Sunday, February 28, 2010

The last full month of winter

February is almost over. Today is the 28th, the last day of the month, which means winter is almost over. February is the last full month of winter. This February has been especially difficult for everyone across the county.

Parts of the country have experienced snowstorms, blizzards lasting days and weeks at a time. Other sections have experienced rain lasting for a week or more and mud slides. Canceled flights and stranded passengers stranded in one section of the country or another. In other countries, there have been earthquakes, snowstorms and other natural phenomenon.

January did not start out difficult, but it ended that way. February began difficult and remained difficult. The first two months of 2010, have been stressful for the entire planet. Tomorrow is the first day of March, the only thing we can be sure of in March is that the sun will cross the vernal equinox and spring begins.

We do not know what type of weather we will have in March because, all though we can predict the weather, we cannot control it. We cannot control any natural phenomenon whether it be weather, earthquake, or Tsunami. We can prepare for these phenomenon, but we cannot control them. The only thing that any human being can control is her or his reactions and emotions.

Humanity, even in this modern age, is at the mercy of the forces of nature and nature has no mercy. God is merciful. Human beings have the potential for mercy because we have a spirit, a soul, but nature simply follows natural laws put into play when the universe began. Therefore, let us say good-bye to February 2010 and pray for our fellow human beings.

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  • Saturday, February 27, 2010

    Cloudy days make me cry

    Gray clouds hide the sun
    A few raindrops chill my skin
    I wish for blue sky

    I'm weary of winter, cold rain, and gray skies. I want blue sky and sun. I cried today over the silliest things and I think it had to do with the weather. I tired of winter. I want to see spring. I want to see blue skies. I want a vacation (this isn't likely), the closest thing to a vacation I've experienced lately is picking up a prescription at Food 4 Less. The best I can hope for are blue skies, sun and a nice spring day.

    Maybe I should write a story about the perfect vacation. At this point, almost any vacation would be welcome. I would enjoy a day in the park. I would enjoy a day at the zoo (Yes, Las Vegas has a zoo).

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  • Friday, February 26, 2010

    I am Looking for Eyeglasses

    I am looking for eyeglasses with specific attributes. Buying eyeglasses is one of the most important decisions a person can make, especially in the present economic situation. Therefore, I want high quality glasses that I can fit into my budget without having to skip a monthly payment on any of the items in my budget.

    Since I am a writer and a reader, I want bi-focal eyeglasses that are inexpensive, but not cheap. I used to have two pairs of glasses, a pair for reading and a pair for driving; however, I lost my reading glasses. After that I decided the best way to keep track of a pair of glasses is not to have more then one pair.

    I decided the best way to find the eyeglasses I wanted was to do an Internet search for eye wear. After looking at almost every pair of glasses available, I decided I had to list all the qualities I want in a pair of glasses.

    I want stylish high quality frames, a hard eyeglass case and a guarantee. I want bi-focal lens with UV protection. In addition, I want the lens to be thin and light with edges that are beveled and polished, while having an anti-scratch coating. I want my new glasses to come with a microfiber cleaning cloth. After all, eyeglasses are one of the most important things a person can buy.

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  • Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    Focusing on writing form poetry March thruogh June

    In March the Poetry in Motion, challenge begins on The idea of the challenge is to write, at least, one for poem a week for several weeks. The challenge begins on March 20 and ends in June.

    Each week the contestants have a choice of using a hard, medium, or easy form. I am looking forward to learning new forms. Writing form poetry is a challenge, but it's a challenge that is fun. There are other things I have to do as well, however I carry a small journal with me anywhere I go, so I can work on the poems or any other writing items while I'm doing other things. The only exception to that is housework and I can think about the poem while I doing housework.

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  • Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Can Writer's Block be prevented?

    Can writer's block be prevented? It sounds like I am talking about a disease, perhaps it is a disease. A disease that affects authors preventing them from practicing their art. If writer's block is a disease then an author should be able to identify the symptoms of the disease. Once the symptoms are identified and the disease diagnosed, then the writer should be able to find a prescription to cure the disease.

    I have been afflicted with this disease several times over the past few years. For me, an attack of writer's block begins like this. I turn on the computer, load a blank document into the word processing program, and then sit their staring at a pure white page. I sit there with my hands on the keyboard waiting for my brain to direct my fingers to type a word, sentence, or paragraph. Nothing happens, so I get up, go pour myself a cup of coffee and come back to the computer.

    I sit sipping my coffee and staring at the screen. still nothing happens, not even a coffee haiku. I am a coffee drinker. I can write a coffee haiku in my sleep, except when afflicted by the disease of writer's block. Is there a way to prevent and even cure writer's block?


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  • Monday, February 22, 2010

    It rained this morning

    It rained early this morning, when I woke up it was raining. When I looked out my living room window there was a puddle of water in my driveway. The puddle is still there, when the wind blows I can see the water in the puddle responding to the wind.

    Small waves dance across
    The puddle in my driveway
    When the cold wind blows

    Perhaps the wind isn't as cold as it feels to me. I went to the store this afternoon and I had to put on my ski jacket. I have a ski jacket, it's the type people wear when they go snow skiing. I've never been snow skiing, but I have a ski jacket.

    My black ski jacket
    Has never been on a slope
    I don't go skiing

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  • Sunday, February 21, 2010

    Writing between household chores

    I'm writing between household chores, which would work great if I didn't have to sleep. However, I have no other choice at this time. Writing between other chores is interesting, but I'm going to have to invest in a timer. The problem I have with doing writing and housework in shifts concerns wanting to finish one thing before going on to something else.

    I become focused on a story and I don't want to leave writing to do housework. Even if I'm stuck and can't figure out what the next move is I won't get up and go to another job. I just sit in front of the computer and (figuratively) pound my head against the monitor. This isn't good, because it get me nowhere fast. If I would get up and sweep the floor or some other chore my subconscious mind could work on the writing issue.

    A timer would help, to some extent, because I could sit if for thirty minutes to an hour. When the timer went off, I could stop writing (theoretically) and do something else. All right, I actually don't know if a timer would help or not. I do know that I can write for about twenty-five to thirty minutes before I get stuck on an issues in a story or a word in a poem. I also know that it helps for me to do something completely different from writing when I'm stuck. Therefore, doing housework between writing projects is the best solution. I'm simply going to have to learn to deal with the issue of leaving a piece of writing unfinished before doing one or more household chores.

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  • Friday, February 19, 2010

    I joined Facebook

    I've been considering joining for sometime, but just haven't gotten around to it. Today I received a reminder that my brother invited me to join, so I joined today. I didn't complete my profile today, I uploaded a photo, I put in my high school, graduation year, my home town and where I live today.

    I'll update my profile tomorrow and continue to update it until I'm happy with the information in the profile. I have couple of writing projects to complete today, so I won't go back to Facebook until I've completed those projects. I think I'm going to enjoy my Facebook experience.


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  • Dawn in the Desert

    I can always tell when dawn is approaching, even if I don't have the curtains open to look outside. The temperature drops two or three degrees around first light, which indicate the approach of dawn. According to the temperature on my desktop, it is now 48 degrees outside, but when I got online, the temperature was 51 degrees.

    Desert temperatures
    Drop with the approach of dawn
    Morning becomes cold

    I'm not sure how high the temperature in Las Vegas will get today. Yesterday we had outdoor temperatures in the 70s, which is nice because you don't need to turn the heat on in the car and a long sleeved shirt or blouse will keep your arms warm when you go outside.

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  • Thursday, February 18, 2010

    A Beautiful Thankful Thursday in Las Vegas

    It's a beautiful Thursday afternoon in Las Vegas. When I go outside the temperature is nice, which means it isn't too cold or too hot. I'm not sure what the temperature is outside today, inside it's about 73 degrees.

    It's warm enough inside for me to wash my hair without worrying about getting cold while my hair drys. It's warm enough outside so that I can go out with wet hair without worrying about the temperature or the wind chill factor. There is no wind chill factor because the wind isn't blowing today.

    Today I am grateful for the nice temperatures in Las Vegas.

    Beautiful blue sky
    Nice temperatures citywide
    Weekend approaches

    It's days like this that make getting out to parks or driving through Las Vegas pleasant. On days like this, I don't have to have either the cool air or the warm air on when I drive. I can even roll the window down and enjoy driving through the city, at least, as long as I can avoid looking at the price of gas.

    It's a beautiful
    Las Vegas Thankful Thursday
    Sun shines and birds sing

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  • Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Wednesday hump day

    Another week is half over and I don't know whether to be grateful or cry. I ran out of coffee yesterday, so this morning we had hot tea instead of coffee. I do this periodically and each time I say never again. Of course, there always comes a time when I the coffee and the money run out at the same time, which makes the week all the more interesting.

    I found out that you can use coffee grounds only a couple of time before the coffee begins tasting tastes like weak warmed over coffee. I know there must be a poem in that, I'll get it written as soon as I find a way to describe the taste of the coffee. It didn't exactly taste like hot tea.

    I have enough money in the bank for either coffee or one of my prescriptions. The medication will win the battle over the money. At 63, I've decided that some things take priority over coffee; it doesn't matter how much I want coffee or how long I'll be without it the meds are more important. I'll be able to get more coffee next Wednesday, but that's seven days away. In the mean time, I'll just have to drink hot tea in the morning.

    It's amazing how one priorities change as you get older. There was a time when nothing came before coffee, but now the meds come first. I think that sounds like a good theme for a poem, so I'll have to work on that one as well.

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  • Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Chocolate Covered mints

    Rich dark chocolate
    Hides the fresh breath of morning
    Birds sing happiness

    I opened a box of chocolate covered mints this morning. As I ate them they remind me of spring and outside my house the birds were singing. Spring must be getting close because I've heard birds singing every morning for the past week.

    As spring approaches
    Birds begin to sing build nest
    Morning air chilly

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  • Monday, February 15, 2010

    I'm looking for a search engine with peer-to-peer protocol

    I am looking for a search engine using a peer-to-peer protocol. I am looking for the type of protocol used in the distribution of large video files. I have been looking for something like this for a few months. I want a search engine that I can use to find video files on specific subjects, so that I have something to listen to or watch while I am working. I cannot do housework without music or a video playing. I also want to share the few videos I make myself or rather those I am planning to make in 2010.

    I think I am looking for a search engine similar to the one found at video torrents. This type of search engine has a wide variety of items for me to choose from with the size of the file shown before I start to download. I like see the size of the file because I do not think have very much room on my hard drive. I also like knowing that the file I am downloading is music or video, I prefer music because I can turn up the volume and listen to it any place in the house or rather in one of the three rooms in which I am usually working.

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  • A writer's recipe for Chicken Soup

    1 roasting hen cut into sections
    1 small or medium onion diced
    Garlic cloves to taste and cut up
    Basil leaves crumbled or use the dry
    Thyme leaves crumbled or use the dry
    1 large package frozen green beans
    1 large package frozen corn
    1 large package frozen sweet potatoes

    In slow cooker put two cups water, then add the garlic, onion, basil leaves and bay leaves. Next, cut the chicken into sections, put in the slow cooker and cover with water. When the chicken is completely cooked, remove the chicken from the slow cooker, so that you can take the chicken off the bones. Now add green beans, corn, and sweet potatoes and let them cook while you are removing the meat of the chicken from the bone. When you have removed all the meat from the bone, then add the chicken to the veggies.

    I have no idea how many people this will server. I make this for my mother and me with the intention of having leftovers for two or three days.

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  • Sunday, February 14, 2010

    Thankful Sunday

    I make an entry in my gratitude journal every Thursday and sometimes make a gratitude blog entry. However, this week I think I need to find things to be thankful for before the work week begins on Tuesday. I don't get a three-day holiday and my work week never ends.

    Today I am grateful
    1. for the roasting hen I have thawing in the fridge
    2. that I had enough coffee to make a fresh pot of coffee this morning
    3. that I have enough leftover coffee to warm up on Monday morning
    4. that I had enough change in my purse to get cat food, peanut butter, bread and my Levothyroxine prescription last week
    5. for the man I gave the plastic water bottles to on Saturday; they no longer clutter my garage
    6. that I had enough cat litter to change all the litter pans on Thursday
    7. that the puddle of water in my driveway has finally dried up
    8. for the aluminum cans in my trunk, which I can sell on Tuesday
    9. that my gas tank is half full
    10. for macaroni

    I probably have a lot more things to be thankful for, but right now that is my list.

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  • Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Saturday Morning in Las Vegas

    Saturday morning
    Trashcans and recyclable
    Bins set at the curb

    I watched the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics last night. I went to bed about 12:30 AM, consequently I didn't get up until about 6:00. The recyclable bins and trashcans are supposed to be setting at the curb by 7:00.

    The first thing I did, even before making coffee, was take two recyclable bins to the curb. I then started to roll the trashcan to the curb, but I saw the man who goes through the recyclable bins looking for plastic bottles. I invited him into my garage and let him take all the plastic bottles I put in cardboard boxes to take to the curb on recyclable day. He took all the plastic bottles I had, so I didn't have to take the boxes to the curb and then carry them back to the garage when he emptied them.

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  • Thursday, February 11, 2010

    What does a single person do on Valentines’ Day?

    Valentines' Day is Sunday, February 14. It is the day of love and lovers, the day couples give each other special gifts such as roses, chocolates, etc. For the past couple of weeks I have received spam in my e-mail boxes about the perfect Valentines' Day gift. As a results of these spams, I have determined that the perfect Valentines' Day gift is a beautiful greeting card containing chocolates, diamonds and roses.

    This is very good if one is part of a couple and likes chocolate, diamonds, and roses. I am single; I am unattached and therefore not part of a couple. What do I do for Valentines' Day? The only person who might send me a beautiful Valentine card is myself. I am not going to send myself a card, flowers, a box of chocolates, or a diamond for Valentines' Day. I do have a chunk of bittersweet chocolate in the fridge, which I could eat on Valentines' Day. That does not answer my question.

    I still want to know, what does a single person do on Valentines' Day? I could write bitter love poems, but 99% of the love poems I write are bitter. I guess I will stay home and see if the neighbors receive flowers on Valentines' Day.

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  • Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Midweek Reflections

    It's a typical Wednesday morning, if any morning in my life can be typical. This is trash collection day in my neighborhood, so I rolled the plastic trashcan to the curb about 6:30. The garbage trucks came about 7:30, which is earlier then normal.

    Yesterday, I had another ultrasound on my left breast and I still don't know whether the mass is benign or malignant. The appointment was for 3:30 PM, therefore I didn't get back home until about 5:00. I checked my voice mail and, of course, someone called. I don't know who, because it was too late to return any calls. I get the message today and deal with it.

    Instead of taking messages, I sit down at the computer and wrote yesterday evening. I finished one poem for a contest. I'll submit it today, after I complete my blog entries. I still have to go to the grocery store, but I'm going to wait until this afternoon. The only thing I have to get is a bag of dry cat food and a loaf or two of bread.

    I have a description to finish and post today. Then I need to review any other writing items and upcoming deadlines. I think that is all I have to do today, unless something comes in snail mail that I have to deal with. I think I'll use the "typical Wednesday morning" line in a story.

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  • Tuesday, February 09, 2010

    Looking for file synchronization or file sync software 4 my PC

    I am looking for file synchronization software for my computer because I am in the planning process of upgrading my hardware and software. I know the attributes I am looking for concerning file synchronization software. I want synchronization software that includes three attributes or abilities.

    First, I want file synchronization software that can define the distinctions between two different folders. Second, I want software that can perform both fold synchronization and file synchronization between two different computers. I want a software program that can work between my PC and laptop or between a flash drive and desktop. Third, I want software with the ability to copy files from the computer I working on to another computer.

    I am looking for a file sync program that can help me distinguish between the folder and files containing different drafts of my stories and novels.

    Right now, I have difficulties distinguishing between different copies of the same folder. I need file sync software that has the ability to do this, so that I can either replace the old copy with the new copy or move one of the copies to a backup drive. As a writer, I like to keep the first drafts of my short stories, poem, or novels. I want to keep first drafts, second drafts, and third drafts for comparison to the final, to the finished work.

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  • Monday, February 08, 2010

    More storms are on their way to Las Vegas

    Rain appears to be the theme of the year. There are two more storms on their way to Las Vegas. We expect one to arrive Tuesday afternoon or evening. The second is predicted to arrive Friday or Saturday. This is only February and we've already had more rain then in all of 2009.

    Rain and clouds make good theme for poems. I've written several rain poems over the past few weeks. Most of the rain poems were Haiku, so I think I will try using other poetry forms, since I'm using different poetry forms in February the rain will make a good subject.

    The rain can get a bit tiresome, especially driving in it. I think I've written one poem about driving in the rain. It's about time I wrote another poem on that subject, especially since I probably going to drive in the rain to Henderson tomorrow afternoon. I have an appointment for an ultrasound of my left breast about 2:30 PM.

    I can't change the appointment simply because I think it's going to rain. It may rain later in the evening rather then the afternoon. I'm not counting on if, of course, because in the past few weeks each time I've had important business to do, I end up driving in the rain; therefore, I may as well get used to driving in the rain.

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  • Sunday, February 07, 2010

    Sunday Morning Writing

    Jamál (Beauty), 1 Mulk (Dominion), 166 BE – Sunday, February 7, 2010 about 10:18 AM Pacific Time

    It's Sunday morning, the beginning of a new week and a new 19-day period of achievement. I'm doing fair when it comes to achieving my writing goal. I'm working with form poem this 19-days, I don't think I'll complete all the forms I want to use before February 25. If I don't then I will continue working with form for the next 19-days.

    I enjoy using poetry form because they are a challenge. Using poetry forms is a way to keep my mind and brain active. Some of the forms I remember easily and some it takes time to remember them. I'm keeping track of all the forms I use, this way I can go back to the Poetry Forms document when I want to use a different form or I get into a rut using the same form all the time.

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  • Saturday, February 06, 2010

    Another Rainy evening in Las Vegas

    Outside my window
    The rain sings sweet lullabies
    Light reflects from clouds

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  • Friday, February 05, 2010

    Sun-Earth Day is March 20

    The main celebration of Sun-Earth Day 2010 is scheduled for March 20. Getting involved in Sun-Earth Day is educational and fun. I am looking forward to the live webcast scheduled for March 20 from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) conference in Philadelphia.

    I am also looking forward to learning about space weather and magnetic storms. As a writer science fiction, I enjoy doing research about phenomena that I can include in the plot of a story. I also enjoy doing research for the simple joy of learning something new.

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  • Thursday, February 04, 2010

    No morning writing today

    Why do I feel my mornings are wasted if I don't write? This morning Mom and I went to pick up some food at one place and order food at another. I didn't get any writing accomplished this morning, however, that doesn't mean my morning was a waste of time. I still feel my morning was wasted because I didn't get any writing accomplished.

    This morning, besides going after food, I made coffee and I returned a phone call before leaving the house. I still feel my morning was wasted because I didn't write anything. Mom and I returned home about 11:00 AM, I put groceries away, made another pot of coffee, read the paper, and ate lunch. After I finished lunch I began writing and working online, but I still feel my morning was wasted because I didn't write a single word, not even a poem. It must be the writer in me, if I don't write in the morning I feel my morning was wasted.

    About once a month, I have to get out of the house before 10:00 AM. About once a month, I don't write in the morning because I have to leave the house between 8:00 and 9:30 AM. About once a month, I feel my morning is wasted because I didn't write. There isn't anything I can do about it because I have to pick food up before noon and I want a parking place close to the door where I get the food.

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  • Wednesday, February 03, 2010

    A World War I veteran turns 109

    Frank Woodruff Buckles, the last American World War I veteran, turned 109 on Monday, February 1. Mr. Buckles wish is to see a World War I memorial dedicated in Washington, D.C. I think Mr. Buckles should get his wish; we need a memorial to World War I.

    My Uncle Roy Newland, my Grandfather's brother, served in World War I. I always smile when I remember Uncle Roy. He didn't say much about his experiences in World War I and now I wish I had asked him about that war because the only information I have about it, I learned in school. History books give important information about World War I, the Great War to End all Wars, but they don't give information at a veteran of that war, a soldier who experienced life on the battlefield or behind the lines can give.

    We have memorials to other wars in Washington, D.C., and we should have a memorial to World War I there as well. I'll have to do a little research to see if there is a committee or organization attempting to build a memorial to World War I.


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  • Tuesday, February 02, 2010

    February writing started good

    I have decided the best way to approach my writing goals are to focus on the days I make the word count goals. February started good because I exceed the word count goal. I did not exceed by very many words, but I did exceed the goal.

    It is difficult to make the goal exactly, therefore exceeding the goal is more common then making the exact word count. The goal I have set for 2010 is 2,000 words per day. I have difficulty making the goal every day in January; I am not sure why there was a problem.

    I know in January that I did not start exceeding the daily word count goal until the month was half over. I think that was the main issue in January, so in February I have to push harder the first half to the month to exceed the goal that way I have the momentum built up and I can continue striving for that goal easier then building up the momentum half way through the month.

    One issue I have, concerns writing 200 words at a time. Sometimes I can write 200 or more word in a document or blog entry without difficult. However, at other times it is difficult to write more the 50 or 100 words in a single entry. The problem could be the time of day, the subject of the blog entry, or a combination of the two. Whatever the problem, I am going to have to find out in February because in March or April I plan to reevaluate my goals again.

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  • Monday, February 01, 2010

    A Cloudy day in Las Vegas

    Snow white mountain peaks
    Sun plays peak-a-boo with clouds
    Las Vegas winter

    Driving home today I caught a glimpse of the mountains. The snow looked beautiful, of course, snow capped peaks always look beautiful when I don't have to drive up a mountain. I like going to the snow, I just don't like driving in it any more then I like driving in the rain. I like to watch the rain and the snow when I'm in a nice warm house with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee.

    Coffee chocolate
    Good on rainy snowy days
    Drive away the chill

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