Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday Speculations - To Blog or Not to Blog that is the Question

I'm making an entry today because I've managed to mess up the every-other-day routine of blog entries. I'm behind on most everything because I let worry overtake me. When worry overtakes then depression sits in.  The only thing I seem to worry about lately is money and the weird thing is that by the end of the month I'm almost caught up. I always end up with on item that I have to put off for a few day, but somehow I always find the money for it. I'm not sure if that pattern will hold in September or not. 

The problem always comes down to the internet bill. I have my internet, landline, and television bundled. I've been thinking of giving up the land line, but that isn't going to make much of a difference. I decided to call my provider on Monday to see if I changing over to WiFi would make the bill any cheaper. That way I could get rid of the landline, get the WiFi and keep the television the way  it is. I can't think of anything else to do (well I can, but that means getting help from relative who's already helping me with the rent). 

Anyway the question comes down "To blog or not to blog". I once thought I could make money from blogging, but that hasn't been working out for me lately. In fact that hasn't been working out for the last year or so. I haven't even been able to use my smartphone for anything else except calling because I don't have any data. I get the phone minutes free, but I have to pay for the data. The problem is that I haven't had the money to for the data so it ran out about a month ago. 

I'm going to post this now. Writing about the problem helps overcome the worry and find a solution to the problem. I'll check my smartphone account to see where I can purchase a data card here in Las Vegas. I've been using the money I earn on surveys to put in my checking account, but I might change that to using that money to purchase data. 

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