Monday, January 31, 2011

This week’s Poetic Exploration challenge

This is week five of the Poetic Exploration challenge on Tetractys, created by Ray Stebbing, is the form I am exploring. Euclid, a mathematician, thought the numeric series 1, 2, 3, 4, which sums up to ten, has mystical significance. Mr. Stebbing based Tetractys on this series of numbers. A Tetractys poem has five lines with syllable counts of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10.

This form has four versions. A single has five lines with syllable counts of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10. A double has ten lines with syllable counts of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1. A triple has fifteen lines with syllable counts of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10. A quadruplet has twenty lines with a syllable count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1.

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  • The Big Catch video featuring The Hookem

    The Hookem is a nautical device created to help sports anglers catch Marlin and other large fish. The Big Catch video is a humorous promotional video featuring The Hookem. I enjoyed this video because of the humor and I smiled all the time I watched. Enjoy this humorous video featuring The Hookem.

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  • Sunday, January 30, 2011

    Thoughts on a Windy afternoon in Las Vegas

    The wind is blowing. Charcoal gray clouds hide the blue sky and the evening sun. The wind chill factor gives me the shivers. My patio, covered by a thin out door carpet, is wet. It did not rain today. The patio dampness on the patio is the results of letting cloths drip dry out there.

    I need to clean my patio off. I need to take up the carpet that is covering the cement. Perhaps I will do that this year. That carpet covered the patio when we moved in several years ago, so it needs replacing. I am not sure that I want to replace it. I am considering removing the carpet and painting the cement. I am also considering removing the carpet and leaving the cement unpainted.

    In spring, I like sitting on the patio and writing poetry. It does not matter whether the cement is painted, unpainted, or covered by an outdoor carpet. Writing poetry does not require any special place, I can write it anywhere the mood strikes me. The look of the patio floor will not make much difference to the composition of a poem because word choice is important and nothing else.

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  • Saturday, January 29, 2011

    February Holidays

    February has some interesting holidays. Of course, there are the holidays that everyone knows about and celebrates such as Ground Hog Day, February 2, Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12, Valentine’s Day, February 14, and George Washington’s Birthday, February 22. However, these are not the only holidays in February.

    Besides several unique and bizarre holidays in the upcoming month, there is a day of remembrance. February 3, is day of remembrance for Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper. This is The Day the Music Died in 1959; the day that the three rock singers died in a plane crash.

    Some of more interesting and bizarre holidays in February are Create a Vacuum Day, February 4, Get a Different Name Day, February 13, Do a Grouch a Favor Day, February 16, and Public Sleeping Day, February 28. While some of the delicious holidays in February are Plum Pudding Day, February 12, National Gum Drop Day, February 15, National Chocolate Mint Day, February 19, Cherry Pie Day, February 20, National Tortilla Chip Day, February 24, and National Pistachio Day, February 26.

    The one day we do not want to forget is Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17. This is the day set aside for us to perform one or more Random Acts of Kindness. So place this date on your calendar and perform a random act of kindness.

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  • Friday, January 28, 2011

    Friday at last

    TGIF! At last it is Friday, the end of the workweek for people who work outside the home. For others it’s just another day of housework or perhaps a trip to the bank for laundry money. As a child, I always looked forward to Friday because it meant two days without school. When I was growing up, Friday meant a weekend with my grandparents.

    I remember the trips to Lake Blackwell. I remember riding in my Grandpa Newland’s boat. I remember watching Grandpa water ski. Grandma Newland never water Skied, but she did ride in the boat occasionally. I remember standing on the boat dock and fishing. I remember watching Grandpa clean the catfish and then Grandma would fry them.

    Sometimes I still dream of Lake Blackwell. I dream of the house Grandma and Grandpa lived in. I dream of the house we lived in. I dream of the First Baptist Church and I dream of the Baptist Mission in the Smelter heights. Oddly enough, I never dream about the Grade School or Junior High School (middle school) I went to when I lived in Blackwell, Oklahoma.

    Friday at last and I am looking forward to a weekend of cleaning house. The last two or three days have been stressful (that is a nice way to put it). I need to get out, away by myself for a little while, but that is not possible. Wherever I go, I take Mom with me because she has Alzheimer’s disease and cannot stay home alone.

    I need to find someone I can afford. I need to find someone I can trust to give Mom her medication. Mom does not like having someone stay with her, but I need to get away for a little while. I just do not know anyone I can leave with her that I can trust to give her the medication she takes.

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  • Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Another long and weary day

    After a long day
    The cats curl up on the couch
    I contemplate sleep

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  • Sunday, January 23, 2011

    I am writing Nonets this week

    A Nonet is a nine-lined poem with the following syllable count per line 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. This form of poem can cover any subject, while rhyming is optional. There are three different versions of the Nonet form. The first version is the single Nonet, which has the syllable count mentioned above.

    The second version is the reverse Nonet with a syllable count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The third version is a double Nonet and it is an eighteen-line poem with the following syllable count 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

    I am writing these poems in response to the Poetic Exploration challenge on I wrote the single Nonet today, but I do not know if I am going to post it for my challenge entry. I want to attempt the other two versions before I post my response this coming Saturday.

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  • Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Red sky at night in Las Vegas

    The sun ignites clouds
    Turns their white undersides red
    A small plane flies past

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  • Friday, January 21, 2011

    Writing is like a morning walk

    A morning walk is
    One-step after another
    Along the sidewalk

    Writing like a walk
    One word after another
    Builds a paragraph

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  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Midweek Reflections Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    I need to get more exercise or I need to start parking closer to my closer to the doctor’s office. I am tired after the long walk to the office clinic where Mom had her chest x-ray and the long walk back to the car. When we returned home this afternoon, Mom dozed on the couch before she ate her lunch. I also took a short nap, I sat down with my lunch to look at CNN and I dozed.

    Mom and I have not remained home for an entire day this week. On Sunday we went to PetSmart and on Monday to Smith’s Food and Drug, all though, it could have been the other way around. I cannot remember which day we went to which store.

    On Tuesday, I took Mom to the doctor’s office to have her ear cleaned out and then we picked up some free bread. I think I have to pick up more bread on either Thursday or Friday. Also on Tuesday, Mom and I attended the Feast of Sovereignty; this was the one bright spot of the entire day. Mom and I both enjoyed the Feast.

    On Thursday, I have an ultrasound appointment and then on Friday I have a doctor’s appointment. I think we might be able to stay home either Saturday or Sunday, but I am not sure about that yet.

    I still have a double Etheree poem to finish and post before Saturday at 8:59 PM Pacific Time. Perhaps I should use this week’s experiences with medical appointments as the subject for the poem.

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  • Monday, January 17, 2011

    This week I am writing Etheree

    Etheree Taylor Armstrong created the Etheree poetry form. This is a 10-line form, with each line based on syllable count. The first line begins with one syllable, with the poet adding a syllable to each succeeding line. The syllable count of each is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 and the total syllable count of the poem is fifty-five.

    There are three variations to this form. Fist, the single Etheree consists of ten lines and a syllable count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Second, the reverse Etheree, which also consists of 10 lines and a syllable count of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The third variation is the double Etheree consisting of twenty lines and a syllable count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The poet can include rhyme in all of these variations, but rhyme is not necessary.

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  • Saturday, January 15, 2011

    Photo books, calendars, and diaries

    I am looking for unique gifts for upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. I am looking for photo books, photo calendars , and photo diaries for family members and friends. I believe the best birthday or anniversary gift is one that holds special memories.

    I know that I enjoy receiving gifts with special memories because they have special meanings for me. What other gift has more memories then a gift containing a photo of a past birthday, anniversary, or wedding. I have many photos that I would like to share with my family and friends. I think the best way to share these photos is in a photo book, calendar, or diary.

    I have pictures I know that my brothers, sister, nieces, and nephews would like to have. The problem is that I have only one copy of each picture, so how do I give everyone a picture. The best way for me to do this is to create a photo book containing pictures that for each person. This is one way I can share family memories with each of my siblings and their children.

    I have pictures of my mother and grandparents that I know my family would love to have. The best way to share these with them is to give a photo book, calendar, or diary containing these pictures.

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  • Friday, January 14, 2011

    Coffee Candy

    I still do not have any coffee to brew, but I have a package of coffee candy. I bought one bag of the candy at a 99-cent store a week ago. I realize now that I should have bought two or three bags. Eating the candy is not the same a drinking a cup of hot coffee, but works in a pinch.

    I doubt I will be able to buy coffee this coming week. What money is in the bank accounts will go for medical co-pays, gas, and cat litter. I am out of coffee and there are four medical appointments next week. Mom has two appointments and I have two appointments. Four medical appointments in one week is stressful enough, but I have to face them without coffee.

    I will have to stop by the store and get another bag of coffee candy. That will get me by for a while, but I am going to have to get real coffee soon. It just does not seem right to read the paper without a cup of hot coffee. I miss the coffee when I am reading the paper, especially the Sunday comics. I will just have to make due with the coffee candy.

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  • Thursday, January 13, 2011

    I Ran out of Coffee yesterday

    It feels odd sitting at the computer composing a blog entry without a cup of hot black coffee sitting beside me. I have two coffee pots and a coffee grinder, but no coffee. I ran out of coffee yesterday, so this morning I had hot tea with my breakfast. I also had a cup of hot tea while reading the newspaper.

    A cup of hot tea does not satisfy the desire for coffee. Reading a newspaper without a cup of hot coffee just does not feel right. I know it is simply my perception. Subconsciously I know there is no difference between reading with a cup of hot coffee on the table or a cup of hot tea. Reading a newspaper while drinking a cup of hot coffee brings back memories of my father and grandfather.

    One of my earliest memories is sitting on my father’s lap while he read the comics. Dad always drank a cup of hot coffee when he read the comics to me. My grandfather always drank coffee with every meal. Another fond memory is my first cup of coffee, which my grandfather made for me. I know he put more cream and sugar in the up then coffee, but that did not make any difference because Grandpa let me drink coffee with him.

    I ran out of coffee yesterday and I probably will not be able to get more for several days. I do not remember my father running out of coffee. I do not remember my grandfather running out of coffee.

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  • Monday, January 10, 2011

    Evening Writing is difficult

    I decided make blog entries at evening or night because my days are full of care giving and housekeeping. However, I have discovered a situation that makes it a bit difficult. The issues are subjects and themes; I have difficulty finding a subject in the evening and at night. Another issue is being tired and stressed.

    Sometimes I open a blank document and stare at the screen. Looking at the white page is like looking at a field of new fallen snow. You look at the unmarked snow and see nothing. No animal tracks and no human tracks. The field of snow goes on into eternity without anything to indicate there is any life in the vicinity. That is what it is like to look at the page of a new document waiting for me to type something onto the page.

    A blank document is as scary as a unmarked field of snow. You know that if you remain staring at the snow it might blind you, but you cannot stop looking at it. Looking at an empty page is similar. You stare at the page and hope that you can think of something to write. You stare at the snowfield and hope that you will see the track of a wolf or a rabbit.

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  • TABASCO Original Red enhances the flavor of food

    This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TABASCO® Original Red. All opinions are 100% mine.

    I like TABASCO® Original Red with any type of food. My favorite way to use this sauce is in Spanish rice. When I make Spanish rice, I cook the rice first. When the rice is completely cooked, I had several drops of TABASCO Original Red to the rice. I mix the sauce into the rice and place the mixture aside. Then I fry 1 lb. of either ground beef or ground turkey. After the meat is cooked, I add the rice mixture to the skillet of meat and let it simmer for a few minutes. TABASCO Original Red enhances the taste of the Spanish rice.

    TABASCO Original Red is "So Much More Then Hot" because it unlocks the flavor of food. The Super owl is almost here and TABASCO Original Red is a good addition to the Game-Day Party Menu. No matter what you plan to serve on Super Bowl Game-Day, TABASCO Original Red will add to the flavor and enhance the taste.

    TABASCO Original Red is especially good on pizza. When you add TABASCO Original Red to any type of pizza and you have Pizza Perfected. Serve it at your Super Bowl party or for a quick and simple evening meal because this sauce brings out the flavor of the pizza.

    Introduced in 1868, TABASCO Original Red, a combination of red pepper, salt, and vinegar that is aged for three years, is a hot sauce that brings out the flavors of foods. It enhances the flavor and adds to the enjoyment of the food.

    Visit Sponsor's Site

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  • Saturday, January 08, 2011

    Winter Sunset

    Red fire highlights clouds
    A chill descends in my bones
    Dreaming of summer


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  • Friday, January 07, 2011

    Cloudy day in January

    Sunshine highlights clouds
    Bright edges against blue sky
    Mostly cloudy day

    According to the website, it is 53 degrees in Las Vegas. According to the weather e-mail in my inbox, the temperature is close to seasonal norms. The weather report says the forecast calls for sun, clouds, and light winds, which is what I see when I look out my window.

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  • Thursday, January 06, 2011

    Another Sleepless Night in Las Vegas

    Last night I attempted to sleep, without success. Tonight I am not even going to attempt the impossible. I am staying up and writing because there is no sleeping in this house for anyone. Last night I was up and down all night, I expect the same situation tonight.

    Since it is easier for me to get up and down from a setting position then lying down, I will write. I have osteoarthritis in my right knee and it is difficult to straighten the leg out if I am in bed. I can get up easier from a sitting position then a lying position.

    I have to get up and check on my mother. Mom wants to go to bed early, but does not get to sleep until about 12:30 or 1:00 AM. When Mom has difficulty sleeping she cries and I get up to see what is wrong. I get Mom calmed and then I go back to bed, but if she does not go to sleep or does not say asleep then she wakes up crying. I go through the process all over again. Therefore, it does not do any good for me to lie down and attempt to sleep.

    Oh well, someone once told me that sleep was over rated anyway; I am beginning to believe it.

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  • Wednesday, January 05, 2011

    Winter in Las Vegas

    The afternoon chill
    Unnoticed as I drive home
    Car windows rolled up


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  • Monday, January 03, 2011

    Writing in 2011

    In 2011, I am going to have to do most of my writing at night or early in the morning. My mother, who has Alzheimer’s disease, takes a lot of care. Mom does not seem to want to do anything except sit on the couch or the love seat. This is a recent phenomenon, so I am not sure precisely sure what is going on.

    Mom has an appointment with a new doctor next week. This doctor has more experience with Alzheimer’s patients, so he should be able to provide better information concerning treatment. It is an early morning appointment, which is not ideal under the circumstances. However, it was the only appointment available with this doctor. I wanted this doctor because of his experience with the disease.

    Once I get more information concerning treatment options, then I can figure out a better work schedule. In the mean time, I will plan to write and work online mostly at night. During the day I will focus on taking care of Mom and doing housework. I will keep an open document up and waiting on the computer during the day so that I can write on short breaks, that is if I get short breaks.

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  • Saturday, January 01, 2011

    Welcome to Twenty-Eleven

    Happy New Year, it is 2011. It is January and time to reevaluate last year’s resolutions and set new goals. It is time to decide what to sweep out the backdoor and leave in 2010. It is time to open the front door and invite new opportunities into our lives and writing.

    In a previous post, I stated that one of my goals for 2011 is to move 27 items in my home. One of the items I am moving is my dining room table; I am moving it from my living room back into my dining room. Once I move the table then I have to decide on the other 26 things to move.

    Another item I want to move is the microwave. It does not work and I do not think there is a way to fixed it, so it has to go. Now I have to decide what to put on the kitchen counter where the microwave sits. I would like to get another one, but I would also like to have the oven and the stovetop fixed, so I planning to fix those items rather then get another microwave.

    Happy New Year 2011


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