Sunday, February 28, 2016

Writing My Way Through the Healing Process

On Friday, February 19, I went into the Emergency Room with the dry heaves and pain in my gut. On Saturday, February 20, I went into surgery to repair an umbilical hernia. I was out of it all day Saturday and half the day Sunday. I finally left the hospital on Monday afternoon, February 22. I begin attempting to catch up on my writing projects since Wednesday, February 24. I have also been attempting to increase my exercise, which is not easy.

Writing through the healing process
one step at a time,
one word at a time,
one day at a tine,
take it slow
walking five minutes at a time.


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  • Thursday, February 18, 2016

    The Ides of February: A poem

    It's past the Ides of February,
    past the middle of the month,
    it's time to put my muse
    and schedule in gear
    to accomplish the goals for this year.

    It's past the Ides of February,
    past both the thirteenth
    and the fourteenth of the month,
    it's time to stop spinning my wheels,
    time to pull myself
    out of the quicksand of procrastination
    to make 2016
    the year I accomplish my goals.

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  • Monday, February 15, 2016

    Presidents' Day 2016

    I can remember
    celebrating the birthdays
    of Washington and Lincoln
    in February.

    I grew up in an era when we didn't need a three day holiday to celebrate the presidents of the United States. We would celebrate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on separate days by learning about the men or their presidencies in class if those dates fell on a weekday. If the dates fell on a Saturday or Sunday then the class would learn about them on either Friday or Monday, but they weren't combined into one day and, I don't remember, taking the day off from school unless it was a weekend.

    On Presidents' Day
    the third Monday in February
    we celebrate all
    United States Presidents
    and remember their contributions
    to history.

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  • Saturday, February 13, 2016

    Tomorrow is Valentines Day

    Send a single rose
    A beautiful scarlet rose
    In a crystal vase

    Tomorrow is Valentines Day when many people send roses, chocolate heart shaped boxes of candy, and teddy bears to those they love and desire. If someone can't afford a gift then that person can go to any dollar store to find a beautiful red or pink heart shaped Valentines card for the sunshine in his or her life.

    Write a poem for
    the passion in your life
    on Valentines Day.

    Other people will purchase diamonds or a cruise for that special someone. However, there are less expensive ways to show love to another human being. If finances are a problem then a less expensive and more genuine ways to express love and passion for the important person in one's life. Some of these ways are writing a poem, fixing a meal, or taking a long romantic walk. I sure that there are other ways to express one's love on Valentines day besides purchasing expensive gift and acquiring more debt.

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  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016

    Learning to use my smart phone

    Living in the Twenty-First Century: A Poem

    I'm living in the twenty-first century
    I have a 4G smart phone
    that connects me
    to humanity
    through the world wide web.

    I'm living in the twenty-first century
    and no longer
    directionally challenged
    because my Motorola phone
    connects me to Google maps.

    I activated my new 4G Motorola smart phone yesterday. I now have to learn to use it which should take a couple of weeks or more. Yesterday I set the ringtone, set up my g-mail account, and accessed the web. I found out that I could access, which made me happy. Now that I have a smart phone I can do all sorts of things with it I could not do with the other phone. I think I will find a lot to writing about over the next few months.

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  • Monday, February 08, 2016

    Monday's Poem: Today I am...

    Today I am grateful that
    it's Monday
    and the temperatures in Las Vegas
    is warming up.

    Today I am grateful that
    the biopsy
    was negative.

    Today I am grateful that
    I'm still able
    to write a poem
    or a story.

    Today I am grateful that
    I started
    a new short story today
    title The Year of the Monkey.

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  • Sunday, February 07, 2016

    Sunday Morning Writing in Las Vegas

    It's Sunday morning in Las Vegas. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the neighbors are outside doing whatever it is the doing. The sounds I hear suggest that they are happy and I suspect it's the nice weather making them happy. I suppose I should get up and go outside this afternoon. It might brighten my muse and give me something to write about.

    Sunday writing
    I have nothing planned
    except to finish a short story.

    This is the first day since Thursday that I felt like venturing out of the house. It's take me half a day to wake up and smell the coffee. We don't have any roses growing in this neighborhood so I can't wake up and smell the roses. I limited myself to one carafe of coffee today because when I woke up I didn't feel like drinking any more then that. I think the rest of the day I will drink water and juice. I need to drink more water anyway.

    Water, Cool Water
    brings back memories
    of my grandparents.

    Cool water sounds like a good title for a story. I remember one of Grandpa Frank's favorite songs was titled Cool Water. I'll have to check on YouTube to see if I can find it. I think I'll listen to it while I write a short story next week. I'm supposed to be writing forty-four short stories this year. When I finish the one today I only have forty-two short stories remaining.

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  • Friday, February 05, 2016

    I'm Back Online And Writing

    Thursday, February 4. at 10:00 AM I had outpatient surgery at Sunrise Hospital. I didn't get out of the hospital until around 12:00 PM or later. I don't know what time I came home because I was in recovery and didn't care about the time. On Wednesday, February 3, I decided I wouldn't get online on Thursday. That was a good thing because I spent most of Thursday asleep or shivering because I was cold. I found out there isn't a lot a person can do when they are shivering or in pain. I took a pain pill which made me sleep. Prescription pain medication always makes me drowsy, but yesterday it put me to sleep. That was a good thing because today I'm able to write and eat. I didn't eat anything yesterday either.

    In recovery
    I could not focus or write;
    today I'm feeling better.


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  • Tuesday, February 02, 2016

    Groundhog Day 2016: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow?

    Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? The answer is no, Phil did not see his shadow. According to myth or legend this means an early spring. I hope Phil is right because I sick of winter's chill seeping into my bones I am sick of having to wear four or five layers of clothing in a futile attempt to keep warm. I want to hear a robin sing; don't get me wrong, I like the songs of winter birds, but the birds don't sing if its too cold for them to fly out of their nest to look for food.

    Weary of winter
    I am tired of the cold wind
    Want an early spring

    Is Punxsutawney Phil right? Yes, at least according to a repetition of groundhogs. In this case three other groundhogs agree with Phil's prediction. Those groundhogs are Shubenacadie Sam, in Canada, Staten Island Chuck, from New York, and General Beau Lee, in Georgia. I presume that means the prediction of an early spring is official.The

    The groundhogs agree
    It's an early spring we will see
    The birds sing with glee.

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