Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday Thoughts: A Writer's Gratitude List for Thursday, July 30, 2015

What are the ten things I am grateful for today?

Today I am thankful...

01. ...for hot coffee because it wakes me up and energizes my muse.

02. ...that the spiritual newsletter for Wednesday, July 29, discussed Life's Experiences because I was able to use the theme in yesterday's Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon blog post.

03. ...for the Journal Jar I have sitting on the lower shelf of my television stand because I can use the prompts it contains for blog entries when I encounter blog block.

04. ...that I found my Grandfather's gold pocket watch because I can use it in a poem or short story.

05. ,,,for the card some young people left at my front door last night about a House of Peace located somewhere near me. I am grateful for this card because it give me the idea for a poem about prayer and peace.

06. ...that I have two containers of concentrated cranberry juice in my refrigerator. I like to mix the concentrated juice with apple juice to make my own cran-apple juice because it tastes better then the kind I purchase in the store.

07. ...for the excitement we had in my neighborhood yesterday morning. I heard some unusual noises so opened the door to see what was up. When I looked out I saw yellow police tape stretched from one side of the street to the other. I also saw television cameras and a herd of police cars parked in the street. I can use this in a short story.

08. ...that I now have a chest of drawers and a dresser in my bedroom because now I can put my t-shirts and slacks in those instead of hanging them up in the closet or putting them in laundry baskets.

09. ...for Thankful Thursday because I can find ten things to be grateful for eavery week.

10. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn today.

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  • Tuesday, July 28, 2015

    Writing in the Laundromat

    Today was laundry day, so a pushed the cart full of dirty clothes to the car which was parked in the alley. I then unloading the clothes into the backseat of the car. Next I put the cart in the trunk and I drove to the laundromat where I loaded the clothes back into the roll cart. I know there must be an easier way, but I have not found it.

    I go to a completely automated laundromat. It uses specially created debit cards to run the machines. I have my own laundry card so whenever I go all I have to do is check the card to see how much I have on it and then I load whatever amount of cash onto the card. It is so much easier then having to lug rolls of quarters around.

    I loaded the clothes into the washer. I put the laundry soap in and then I stuck the card into the slot and it deducted the amount for the wash. After the clothes were washed I put them in the dryer and then slid my card into the slot. It deducted the amount I and I then pushed start.

    I like going to this laundromat because it has free wi-fy. Today I wrote in my pen and paper journal while waiting for the my clothes to finish washing and drying. Sometimes I read or take to some of the customers, but today was Tuesday so there the laundromat was almost empty. It is nice to sit in an air conditioned building waiting for my clothes to wash instead of having to walk back and forth across the street every thirty or so minutes to see if my clothes are ready.

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  • Sunday, July 26, 2015

    Sunday Speculations: Contemplating a Short Story Plot

    A new week has begun and I have a couple of things to finish before Friday, July 31. One of them is a science fiction story with the working title of The Search for Intelligent Life. I am not happy with that title, but it does suggest the plot of the story. The story must be over 1,000 words and I have written over 500 all ready.

    In the second half of the story the main character is transported to a planet that does not appear to have intelligent life on it. In this case appearances are deceiving. I have to figure out a way for the main character to discover the intelligence that is on the planet. I think I will have her ship's Artificial Intelligent unit transport her to a beach located on the edge of an inland ocean or fresh lake. On the land side of the beach is a jungle.

    The problem I am encountering is the descriptions. In the first half of the story she, the main character, had a conversation with the ship's AI unit about the lack of evidence of intelligent life on the planet. I need to figure out how she discovers the sentient (intelligent) creatures. I also have to decide on a title for the story. I do not like the working title, the only reason I used it was to keep me focused on the plot.

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  • Saturday, July 25, 2015

    Saturday Morning

    Lazy Saturday
    Another cup of coffee
    A second breakfast

    It feels like a lazy Saturday. I know I have more to do then just wash the dishes, but I don't want to do anything except write and eat. Fortunately, I can't eat by the computer until I get some equipment moved around. In the mean time I think I will check to see if I have any trash bags so that I can fill one to take to the trash on Sunday morning.

    Busy Saturday
    Finish washing the dishes
    Wait for them to dry

    I take the trash out between 6:30 and 7:00 am because it is cooler then. This morning when I took out the trash I only encountered one person. Perhaps tomorrow I will take it out closer to 7:30 to see if there are more people up and moving about. I enjoy talking to people when I am out, but the person I met this morning did not want to talk. I think he was going to work.

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  • Thursday, July 23, 2015

    Thursday Thoughts: Get Out of the House

    This is the fourth Thursday in July 2015, which means there are eight days left in the month. I live, make that survive, on a fixed income (I think it should be called a broken income). The closer to the end of the month the better chance of running out of money for food. Fortunately, I do not have to worry about eating because there are food banks in Las Vegas. A couple of friends and myself spent the last three mornings waiting in line at three different food banks.

    This means two things. First, I am in a better mood because I left the house and stood in the sunshine for a little while. This increased the vitamin D which always affects my mood and sense of humor. As a results my muse is more cooperative and discovers all sorts of subjects to write about. Second, I will be eating green salads for the next three or four days. Since I take medication that causes constipation, which causes me stomach pain. The green salads will prevent stomach pain and this means I can comfortably sit at the computer.

    I do not know if I will be getting out of the house anymore this week. The only outing I have planned is to carry the trash to the dumpster in the alley. The short outing will have a slight impact on my mood, but I am not sure whether the impact will be good or bad because a trip to the alley does not always help my mood. This is because sometimes it is difficult for me to walk because of the osteoarthritis. Waiting in line at the food banks usually is not a problem because there are places I can sit down.

    As a results of my outings, I have written one poem, started an essay and a short story. The short story I have to finish by July 31 while the deadline for the essay is August 14. I plan to finish both of them before the deadline so that I can edit if necessary. I have also increased the word count of my blog entries.

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  • Tuesday, July 21, 2015

    An Afternoon Nap

    An afternoon nap
    Relaxing meditation
    Don't turn T.V.

    An afternoon nap is always a good idea. A meditation break is always a good idea. Turning on television can sometimes be a good idea, but not when you know you're going to fall asleep while watching T.V.

    An afternoon nap
    Should rest both body and mind
    A refreshing break

    I have found that if I go to sleep meditating then I have pleasant dreams and wake up refreshed. If I go to sleep while watching television then I wake up confused. I also miss half the show I'm watching, which may explain some of the confusion.

    An afternoon nap
    not too early or too late
    in the afternoon.

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  • Sunday, July 19, 2015

    Sunday Speculations: The Host of Inspiration - A free verse poem

    Another cup of coffee,
    another line of verse,
    perhaps a quatrain stanza
    written in reverse.

    Does writing in reverse,
    require a mirror to translate
    stanza, line, or verse?

    I wonder
    as I write this
    where the inspiration
    comes from
    to pin
    these lines I write.

    My soul connects with angels,
    a host of glittering muse
    whose rainbow colored wings inspire
    the word I write today.

    I feel the hosts of inspiration
    gather around me
    as I describe
    in line and stanza
    the visions that meditation
    whispered to my soul.

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  • Saturday, July 18, 2015

    Saturday Afternoon Haiku

    Windy Saturday
    Dark clouds are hiding the sun
    Will it rain today?

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  • Wednesday, July 15, 2015

    Wednesday Word: Breakfast

    Nectarines or plums
    both are good fruits for breakfast
    along with coffee.

    A good breakfast is essential. What is a good breakfast? I know when I was growing up a good breakfast was cereal with milk, eggs, bacon, potatoes (either hash browns or fried), hotcakes or toast with jelly. As I have matured in age and wisdom my definition of a good breakfast change. Sometimes a good breakfast is hotcakes with jelly or honey. Sometimes it is a turkey or chicken sausage with an egg and maybe a slice of toast. Yesterday I had a plum for breakfast. Today I ate two nectarines. Tomorrow I might eat a bow of cereal with almond milk or hotcakes.

    Always eat breakfast
    it gives the day a good start
    gives you energy.

    I never know from one day to the next what I will fix myself for breakfast. I never know how hungry I will be when I wake up. Sometime I am starving, especially when I do not eat something before I go to bed. Other times I am not hungry or cannot find any thing in the house I want to eat. There are time when I have soup or some other non-breakfast type food because that is what I am hungry for. For the past few days all I have wanted for breakfast is fruit without cereal or milk of any kind. Whatever type of food I have, I always have a cup of coffee with the breakfast.

    Coffee with breakfast
    a family tradition
    dating back several generation.

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  • Sunday, July 12, 2015

    Sunday Speculations: Sometimes It's Easy to Write

    This morning, before breakfast, I was happy and it was easy to write. Now, after breakfast, I am depressed and it is difficult to write anything. Why would a little thing like breakfast change my mood so quickly? The only answer I can come up with is breakfast. This morning I had hotcakes with blueberries. Since blueberries never darken my mood then it most have been something I put in or on the hotcakes.

    I make the hotcakes almost from scratch. I used a mix that required one egg, 3/4 cups of milk, and some vegetable oil. Instead of regular milk I used coconut milk. None of the items I used to mix the hotcakes affect my mood and there was nothing in the ingredients on the side of the box that would cause a problem. Therefore, it had to be one or both of the other two items I put on the hotcakes. The only two other items I used was margarine and syrup.

    The margarine I used was the same type I have used for years. I used a light syrup, which I thought would be better because it had less calories then the regular syrup. I did not read the ingredients on the syrup bottle so I do not know how much sugar or other sweetener was used in making the syrup. The sweetener could have been sugar or an artificial sweeter of some type. Both sugar affects my mood and some artificial sweeteners darken my mood. I think the next time I use something sweet on my hotcakes I will use honey.

    Writing this entry helped. My mood is not as dark as a few minutes ago. I am still depressed, but not quite as bad as before. Unless I do something about this mood I will be fighting it all day. I think I will try drinking some more coffee and some water. At least, I know those two things do not have sweetener in them.

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  • Thursday, July 09, 2015

    Thursday Thoughts on My Journal Jar

    I have a journal jar. It is a mason jar with a decorated lid and a decorated lid and multicolored slips of paper inside. I purchase the journal jar several years ago at a yard sale. I am not sure what year I purchased the jar, but I do know it was before 2007. That jar has been with me through two moves. I had forgotten about it until I noticed it sitting on the bottom shelf of the television stand.

    According to the instructions on the jar, and I am paraphrasing the poem giving the instructions, the jar contains stories waiting to be written. I don't know how many slips of paper are in the jar; however, many it contains I am going to write a story to go along with them. I will either write a group of short stories or a novel, I have not decided which. I know the name will be Stories from the Journal Jar or Stories from my Journal Jar. I will write the stories using the first person voice because that seems the most appropriate.

    The questions I need to answer before I start this project are:

    1. Do I want to include poems in the stories?
    2. Who will be the protagonist or protagonists?
    3. Who will be the antagonist or antagonists?
    4. How will the stories be connected?
    5. What genre will I use?

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  • Tuesday, July 07, 2015

    Tuesday's Tip: Early Morning Writing Necessities

    A cup of coffee
    brewed fresh after the long night
    and sipped while waiting for dawn

    I go into the kitchen to pour myself my fresh cup of coffee for the day. I open the blinds and look out into the partly cloudy morning. I pour coffee into my favorite unwashed cup and then go to the front door. I stand at my front door looking into my neighborhood and listening to the noises of people and animals waking up.

    I sip my coffee
    contemplate the beauty of dawn
    give thanks for another day

    In order to meet today's writing goal, I have to begin my day early. Sometimes I begin at 1:00 or 2:00 am. Sometimes I overs sleep until 6:30 or 7:00 am. Sometimes I write for a hour or so after I wake up and then I go back to sleep. Sometimes I write before my first cup of coffee, but most of the time I write while sipping my coffee. I'm not fully awake until I've drink at least one cup of strong black coffee.

    Coffee ambrosia
    wakes up my mind and my muse
    precious gift of God

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  • Monday, July 06, 2015

    Invisible Man: A Never Before Seen Film - Action Cam

    In this video, Zach King takes a stroll through campus. Mr. King, a self-made star using Sony Action Cam as he takes an unusual stroll through campus. Click on the video below to see how Zach King uses the Sony Action Cam. Watch the reaction of Zach's fans as the see right through him.

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  • Sunday, July 05, 2015

    Five things to Write Between July 6 and July 10, 20151

    1. Finish the string of seven senryu about housekeeping. I have one senryu and I need six more.

    2. Write 500 more words on the Rhythms of Love/Faith (Working Title). The deadline for the story is July 31.

    3. Finish Letter from the Editor for my edition of the fantasy newsletter (Deadline: Monday July 12).

    4. Write 500 word on Brain Page article (Deadline July 15).

    5. Finish the string of seven Lanturne about light. I have one written and I need six more.

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  • Saturday, July 04, 2015

    Seven Ways to Celebrate Independence Day when You are Alone

    1. Pray: Take time during the day to say a prayer for America. I am saying the "Prayer for America" revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha.

    2. Breakfast: Fix something different for breakfast. For instance, today I ate tilapia with watermelon, pineapple, grapes, cantaloupe, and Cole slaw. Usually I eat either an egg or cereal with almond or coconut milk.

    3. T.V. News: I watched the CNN News while eating breakfast. I learned that there is a mystery about the Declaration of Independence. The mystery is "Who put the hand print on the Declaration of Independence?" This is something I need to research so that I can write a poem or include it in a short story.

    4. Tradition: Practice or follow at least one family tradition during the day. Today I plan to watch "A Capitol Fourth" on PBS. This was a show my mother and I used to watch every year. I got away from the tradition after Mom died in 2012, this year I am going to restart the tradition.

    5. Listen: Listen to the neighborhood noises if there are any. My neighborhood is quiet this morning, but I think it has to to with this being July 4 and everyone wants to rest up for the fireworks tonight.

    6. Look: Open your blinds or curtains and look outside. There is not a lot of activity this morning. I saw one woman walking her dog and another walking east toward Eastern Avenue.

    7. Write: Send a text to your friends or family wishing them a Happy 4th. Compose a blog or journal entry about the way you are celebrating the fourth. Write a short story or poem about a Fourth of July memory.

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  • Thursday, July 02, 2015

    Thursday Thoughts on Predawn Thunderstorms

    I woke up at 2:00 am and could not get back to sleep. I thought the reason was the humidity, but no I am not sure. Thunder could be the culprit. It rained this morning, a nice cooling rain before dawn. I stood in the door and watch the street lights glisten on the wet asphalt. I listed to the thunder rolls. I watched the raindrops fall. It was a beautiful and pleasant experience.

    Predawn thunderstorm
    the asphalt glistens under
    Las Vegas street light.

    The only problem with this morning's rain was the humidity, which made the temperature feel warmer then it was. This morning 81 degrees felt like 84 degrees. I have to turn the air conditioner on to remain comfortable. Fortunately, the unit is set on ECO MODE so it turns itself off when a specific temperature is reached. I have the temperature sit at 78 degrees and it will remain there because it is difficult for me to change the temperature.

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  • Mapei: Million Ways to Live - Official Video

    Million Ways to Live, Mapei's new song, us featured on the T.V. series Reality Road. Click on the video below to watch.

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