Sunday, December 31, 2006


1 Sharaf 163 B.E. - December 31, 2006

Ascending through the worlds of God
The lover’s soul proclaims
In shades of light the desire
For the Beloved.

What joy will my soul find
When from this body she ascends
Into the next world singing
Her desire for the Beloved.

On wings of light she will ascend
Through all the world’s of God
Incarnating in each on in a form
Suited to her survival there.
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  • Wednesday, December 13, 2006


    2 Masa’il 163 B.E. - December 13, 2006

    He is the hope of all who strive to build a world based on love.
    He is my heart’s desire.
    He is my soul’s passion.
    He is the Beloved.
    He is the reflection of Divinity itself.
    He is the Pen of Glory.
    He is the Ancient Beauty.
    He is the Promise of all religions.
    He is the World Unifier.
    He is inscribes the verses God.
    He is the aspiration of the planet.
    He is the spirit’s happiness.
    He is the poet’s muse.
    He is the artist’s inspiration.
    He hears all our prayers
    He answers each prayer according to His wisdom.
    He is the point of adoration.
    He is the temple of the Lord.
    He is the light shining in the darkness.
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  • Tuesday, December 12, 2006


    1 Masa’il 163 B.E. December 12, 2006


    Thank You for the prophet manifestations
    who reveal Your attributes:
    Thank You for the Pen of Glory,
    for the Gate of God,
    for the Seal of the Prophets,
    for the Anointed One,
    for the Father of the Faithful and the Friend of God,
    for Krishna, Buddha and Zoroaster,
    and any I haven’t named.

    Thank You for these Mirrors of Faith,
    those who reveal Divine attributes
    and bring laws and ordnances
    to carry humanity
    beyond its egocentric nature
    and give the species purpose
    to know and worship You
    and to carry forward an ever advancing civilization.

    Thank You,
    and again I say Thank You,
    for all Your love has given:
    the morning sun,
    the evening dew,
    the clouds that water gardens,
    the snow of winter,
    the rain of summer,
    spring’s flowers and autumn’s fruits.
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  • Monday, December 11, 2006


    19 Qawl 163 B.E. - December 11, 2006

    First, is the desire for salvation;
    as the soul responds to the transformative probabilities of daily existence
    it becomes aware of the unknown, of the mystery of the Beloved,
    then it realizes unworthiness, pain and the fear of nonexistence –
    here the voice of God is heard.
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  • Wednesday, December 06, 2006


    14 Qawl 163 B.E. - December 6, 2006

    the glory of dawn scatters night’s terrors,
    the sun of faith rises
    over the eastern mountains.

    I rise
    my right knee stiff
    from the long sleep,
    hurts with the effort of rising.

    Then I see the splendor
    of the Beloved
    and the healing warm of love
    flows through my body
    the pain into blissful joy.
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  • Monday, December 04, 2006


    12 Qawl 163 B.E. - December 4, 2006

    Short days,
    icy winds blow across
    snow pushing it against snow fences,
    this is the time of year
    when my soul remembers
    Christmas carols echoing
    from small wooden churches
    in Oklahoma.

    I remember sitting
    next to my Grandmother
    as the choir sang
    Away in a Manger knowing
    that next year I would join the choir
    and sing
    in the Christmas pageant,
    as the youth
    reenacted the birth of Christ.
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  • Sunday, December 03, 2006


    11 Qawl 163 B.E. - December 3, 2006

    I sit on stage in the choir singing
    We Three Kings,
    while three youths
    dress as Wise Men and carrying
    gold, frankincense, and myrrh
    walk down the center isle toward
    Mary, Joseph, and the baby doll (playing the Christ child).

    In the audience my Grandparents watch,
    Grandpa was not overly religious,
    but he did attend (at least)
    two church services a year
    Christmas and Easter Sunday.

    Grandpa smiles,
    as I sing and wait
    for Christ to return
    in the Father’s Glory.
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