Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday hump day

Another week is half over and I don't know whether to be grateful or cry. I ran out of coffee yesterday, so this morning we had hot tea instead of coffee. I do this periodically and each time I say never again. Of course, there always comes a time when I the coffee and the money run out at the same time, which makes the week all the more interesting.

I found out that you can use coffee grounds only a couple of time before the coffee begins tasting tastes like weak warmed over coffee. I know there must be a poem in that, I'll get it written as soon as I find a way to describe the taste of the coffee. It didn't exactly taste like hot tea.

I have enough money in the bank for either coffee or one of my prescriptions. The medication will win the battle over the money. At 63, I've decided that some things take priority over coffee; it doesn't matter how much I want coffee or how long I'll be without it the meds are more important. I'll be able to get more coffee next Wednesday, but that's seven days away. In the mean time, I'll just have to drink hot tea in the morning.

It's amazing how one priorities change as you get older. There was a time when nothing came before coffee, but now the meds come first. I think that sounds like a good theme for a poem, so I'll have to work on that one as well.

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