Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Midweek Reflection on Wasting Time

I do surveys, but sometimes it feels as if I'm wasting my time. I feel this way when I do survey after survey without earning any points or cash in my account. At other times I do the survey, earn the points and then wonder if the time I took to do the survey was worth it for the amount of points or cash I earn. When this happens I get frustrated and then I get depressed. I have writing and editing to complete, but doing the surveys gets in the way because it takes so long to complete a survey for so little reward. 

There are other times when I do surveys and don't feel I'm wasting my time. At these times it doesn't seem to matter how long it takes or how little the reward. I'm not sure why this is, but it could have something to do with my financial situation. It could also be the time of the month especially when I know I have money coming out of my checking account and I'm not sure if I have money to cover it. Doing the surveys frustrates me in the first and last weeks of a month. 

I think the best thing to do is withdraw from some of the surveys groups, especially those that I can earn cash or points toward cash. Sometimes I find something I want to save my points toward other than cash, but not often. Cash I can have transferred to my PayPal account and then directly to my checking or savings account. Merchandise I have to make sure I'm home when it's delivered which is sometimes inconvenient. I think I'll make a list of the survey groups I want to stick with and then withdraw from the others. 

Surveys can be fun 
And sometimes they're frustrating 
Is it my mood or the time of month? 


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