Saturday, January 31, 2015

Success Saturday: Successes and Failures

I did a good job accomplishing my writing goals this week. I also made headway in getting some housework accomplished and the apartment organized. The problem now is that I feel as if I am spinning my wheels. I think it is because I did not get as much accomplished in organizing the apartment as I wanted. I am also worried about finances. I suspect there is something more I should be doing in that department, but I cannot figure out what.

It is the end of the month. I had a lot more month then money this January. I am not sure what I will do in February because I will be paying for things I should have paid this month, but did not have the money. I had to get my tag for my car which always puts January in a bind. Maybe I am just tired and cannot see the solution to my problem. I have succeeded in some ways this month. I need to focus on the successes rather then the failures.

What are the lessons I can learn from my failures? One of them is that worrying does not help because it takes my mind off finding a solution to my problem. I have to look closely at why I succeed in some areas and fail in others. Perhaps there is something I have to change in order to push on to success especially when it comes to finances.

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  • Friday, January 30, 2015

    Form Friday: I Write both Haibun Haiku and Haibun Senryu

    Haibun, haiku, and senryu are all Japanese poetry form. A traditional haiku is a three-line seventeen syllable verse with nature theme, while a traditional senryu has the same number of lines and syllable as a haiku, but its theme is about some aspect of human beings. Haibun combines prose with poetry; it usually begins with prose and ends with a haiku.

    Cold rain is falling
    Birds are shivering in their nests
    Wind in the palm trees

    I write haibun that incorporates both haiku and senryu in a single entry. Sometimes I write haibun entries with haiku, sometimes with senryu, and sometimes I include both haiku and senryu in the haibun entry.

    Music echoing
    Through the thin apartment walls
    The neighbors are home

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  • Thursday, January 29, 2015

    Thursday Thoughts: Too Many Clothes or Not Enough Hangers

    Closet is half full
    I still have space for my clothes,
    but I have no more hangers.

    I gave away a box of clothes yesterday and I started a new box to give away the next time Big Brothers and Big Sisters call for a donation. I hung clothes in the closet, but I ran out of hangers before I finished hanging up the clothes. I put clean clothes in a round clothes basket because I could not hang them up. I still have a suitcase in the closet to go through, but I cannot do that until I get more clothes hangers. This close to the end of the month purchasing clothes hangers is out of the question. This close to the end of the month purchasing anything is out of the question.

    I need more money
    I have enough food to last
    the rest of the month.

    There are a couple of more items I need more then clothes hangers, so the clothes will remain in the clothes basket. On the bright side, I can remove clothes from the basket to wear instead of taking them off the hangers. That does not help because I still have to go to the laundromat and that is a bit of a problems as well. I have enough laundry detergent, but I need money for the washing machines. I miss having a washing machine in the house. This apartment is too small for a washing machine or a dryer so I have to go to the laundromat. However, I cannot go to the laundromat because I do not have the money. I may end up unpacking the clothes in the suitcase before I get the money to go to the laundromat.

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  • Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Wednesday Word: Sunset

    It is past sunset here in Las Vegas. I listen to the evening noises echoing from next door or from the street outside my house. This evening I hear children laughing, shouting, playing, and making other types of joyful noises. The days are growing longer and the nights shorter. This means daylight savings time, spring flowers, and birds singing.

    Late winter sunset
    the mountains embraced by light
    city never sleeps.

    It is after sunset in Las Vegas, I feel the late winter chill penetrate my body and send shivers up my spine. It is not cold, but my aged body feel the chill. My fingers ache and my knees hurt. I get up, put on another sweater and then sit back down at the computer. I stare at what I have written and I smile. I smile because I know that the winter will soon pass. I know that spring will come at last.

    The late winter chill
    brings back memories of childhood
    and hot chocolate.

    I do not drink hot chocolate any more because the milk and the chocolate contain too much potassium. Sometimes after sunset I make hot water so t hat I can drink a cup of English black tea. I do not put sugar in my tea; however, sometimes I put peppermint candy canes in the tea and watch the candy cane melt. This morning, when I went after some food, I received some candy canes so tomorrow evening I will make hot tea and have a candy cane with it.

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  • Tuesday, January 27, 2015

    Tuesday's Tip: Use Unusual Experiences as prompt for writing.

    1. When you go to the supermarket be sure to remember where you parked your car. If you do lose your car then use the experience in a story.

    2. If you cannot think of anything to write make yourself a nice hot cup of tea and write a poem about it. I prefer English black tea myself, but I know that some people like Earl Gray tea.

    3. I just made myself a cup of English black tea and the poured a packet of instant spiced cider into the hot tea. I like the spiced cider better with the tea then I do by itself.

    4. This morning the weather was cloudy, but it cleared in the afternoon so that I could go to the grocery store. I lost my car in the parking lot. OK, I did not lose the car, rather I forgot where I parked it. The experience reminded me of a Grand Uncle Charlie and the way he found his car when he lost it.

    5. I purchased about a pound of fresh okra today when I went to the store. I liked the way Grandma Mary fixed okra when I was a child because she cut it up and fried it. I do not eat much fried foods, so I think I will use the okra in stew, but this time I will write down the recipe.

    6. I normally do not write down recipes because I do not follow a recipe in a book. When I cook I start mixing things together that I think would taste good. I am seldom wrong about the mixtures. The problem is that I am so busy cooking that I do not keep a list of the ingredients.

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  • Monday, January 26, 2015

    Monday Motivation: Ways to Get Motivated

    Today I discovered two things that motivate me. First, is catching up on a writing project and finishing it before the high noon deadline. Second, is a FEDEX driver delivering an expected package to my door. I was thrilled when I saw the dark brown delivery truck park in front of my apartment. The deliver person brought the mini food chopper I have been expecting since November 1, 2014.

    All right, I know better then to order something for myself that close to the holidays because it will take longer then expected. The food chopper came so now I can go to the grocery store and purchase some fresh vegetables instead of fresh frozen vegetables. I used the fresh frozen because I had to cut them up, which meant I never got them sliced the same size twice. The food chopper will allow me to chop the vegetables for soup or omelets evenly and this will help when cooking them.

    The writing project I finished was the January 28 issue of the fantasy newsletter. I finished it last night between 9:00 and 11:00 pm Pacific Standard Time. My problem with the newsletter was a theme. Sometimes I have no difficulties thinking of a subject, but for some reason I could not come up with a subject until last night. The newsletter was not the only writing project I had difficulty with this past week. I also had problems when it came to a Naani poem.

    The Naani form is one of India's Telugu poems. Naani, which is composed of four lines containing between 20 to 25 syllables, means "an expression of one and all". It was due last night at 9:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (Midnight EST), I thought about it all week, but could not come up with anything. Finally yesterday, after making a blog entry in my blog about the Doomsday Clock, I came up with the title (Three Minutes to Midnight) and the rest of the poem was easy.

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  • Sunday, January 25, 2015

    Sunday Speculations: Procrastination

    I have a lot of writing to finish today. I am not sure I will finish before midnight Pacific Standard Time, but it is my own fault. My biggest problem is procrastination. I put off projects until the last minute, which means I have to hurry to meet the deadline. I encounter this problem all the time and I am getting tired of having to rush through a project I know I should have worked over the past week or so. I have to change the way I do things because the stress is getting to me.

    That written, I now have to focus on completing the three items that are due today and the one that is due on Monday morning at 9:00 am PST. I know I will not have time in the morning to complete it before the deadline because I have an 8:00 am appointment. That will take at least two hours and probably more. This means I have four projects to complete today. It also means I cannot ignore the alarm on Monday morning the way I normally do.

    I think the biggest irritation is the fact that it is my own fault. I have no one else to blame except myself. One way to stop the procrastination is to make a prioritized list with deadlines for when the entire project must be completed. Another way to complete a project is to schedule the stops I have to take toward the completed project. I will try both of those methods this week. I can put the steps on each day's prioritized list and check them off as I complete them.

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  • Saturday, January 24, 2015

    Success Saturday: Defining A Successful Week

    Each individual human being has a different definition of success. This week has been a success for me because, despite the early morning pain in my knees and lower back, I managed to push myself up off of the love seat I sleep on every day. Some days I I arose later then others, but I did get up everyday and write. Each day I made at least one carafe of coffee and some days two carafes. I also managed to eat a healthier this week.

    This morning I went to the DMV to get my tag renewed. I realized as I was getting out of the car that I am sick of rolling down the driver's side window so that I can open the door. Of course, this morning it was a more difficult for me to get around. My knees and back bothered me all day. I am not sure what is causing the back pain. I will discuss that with my doctor the next time I see her. I am not going to make a special trip when I am not sure anything can be done.

    Despite the pain it was a successful week. I even managed to control much better then in weeks before. I think part of that is due to the decision to attempt daily blog entries. I still have to figure out a schedule that I can work with, but I am going to work on that this coming week. I am in a better mood tonight then anytime this past week. I believe the reason for that is that I have decided to leave everything in God's hands and focus on doing what I can do without looking at what still has to be done.

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  • Friday, January 23, 2015

    Form Friday: Merging Poetry Forms

    On Wednesday, January 21, the newsletters arrived in my in-box. The poetry newsletter, titled Merge Two - Create Something New, discussed merging poetry forms to create a poem. I cannot remember writing a poem that merged two forms, so it is something I have to attempt. The newsletter discussed three merged poetry forms.

    1. The Terzanelle

    2. The Acronet

    3. The Villonnet

    The Terzanelle merges the Terza Rima and the Villanelle. The Acronet the Acrostic and the Nonet. The Villonnet merges the Villanelle and the Sonnet. I want to attempt all three forms, but I am not sure which one to write first. Therefore, I have to look closely at each form to see if any one fits a poem I have to completely rewrite or check the headlines to find a theme for the poems.

    I enjoy writing form poetry because most of the forms are difficult enough to take my mind off my worries. It is exhilarating to finish a form poem, post it in my portfolio, and the get a review about it from another member. I will post which form I decided to write first on Friday, January 30, along with remarks from any reviews I receive about the poem. Visit My Portfolio @ Writing.Com

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  • Thursday, January 22, 2015

    Thursday Thoughts: Time Management Issues

    have always had problems with managing my time and the older I get the worse the issues become. That is why I was happy to read this week's issue of the Noticing Newbies newsletter on The title of the January 21, 2015 issue is Do you need more hours in the day? My answer is a resounding "Yes!" This week's issue list five ways a writer (or anyone else) can improve their time management.

    1. Create a prioritized to-do list or prioritize your to-do list.

    2. Setpersonal goals.

    3. Manage distractions

    4. Do not take on too much, in other words cut down on the multitasking.

    5. Take time to relax

    I have difficult with each of these items. I have to learn or begin (again) using them to manage my time and accomplish my goal. At this point, the first two are my main issues because I have attempted them in the past without much success. I did have a little bit of success using them, but then distractions reared their ugly heads (sorry about the cliché) and I begin attempting to multitask in order to handle the distractions. After that everything feel apart, so instead of starting at the beginning I gave up for a little while and let the distractions or worry interfere with my writing and my goal setting.

    Since I am not one to give up completely and I am know to begin projects over several times before finishing them. I am going to begin the process of prioritized lists and goal setting again. This time I will use a different approach by writing blog entries about the list, the goals, and the success I am having keeping up with my lists. Twenty-fifteen is a new year and a new chance to accomplish my goals, which have been rearing their heads in my nightly dreams.

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  • Wednesday, January 21, 2015

    Wednesday Word: Forgot

    I know that there is something I forgot,
    but I am too tired tonight to remember what.

    Did I forget to write a thank you note?
    Did I forget to mail a letter that I wrote?

    I know it will come to me at midnight,
    I will wake up with a terrible fright,
    When I remember what I forgot.

    I am too tired now to worry about it. I spent the morning attempting to get a loan, which I did not get. I went to the gas station and purchased $5.00 in gas. I went to the bank to make a small deposit. I went to the grocery store to purchase coffee and a few other items. I did not forget the coffee. I could have forgotten to purchase something at the store because I did not take a list with me. Oh well! I will worry about what I forgot when I remember what it was.

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  • Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Tuesday's Tip: Continue to Write

    Continue to write
    Even when there is no light
    Depression is clouds

    Tuesday's tip is to write even when you are depressed. I have found that writing helps alleviate my depression because it gets words on paper or in a document. It does not matter if you spell the words wrong when you are writing because there are spell checkers and grammar checkers. Get the words down and then go back and edit the document. If you do not want anyone else to see what you write then save it with a password or put the words in a pen and paper journal that you can lock or lock up.

    Never stop writing
    Never stop looking for light
    Clouds cover the sun

    Continue to write even when you have to use a candle or a flashlight (just make sure you have extra batteries). Write your worries out in long hand using a pen and paper journal. Write shorties about characters facing depression or worries similar to those you are facing. Write poetry of any form or type. Sometimes writing form poetry helps focus the mind and get the words down in stanza and line. Write prose poetry, free verse, or make up your own poetry form. It does not matter as long as you write and get your worries down on paper.

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  • Monday, January 19, 2015

    Monday Motivation: I Am Not a Failure

    "Any man who keeps working is not a failure. He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as writer."
    Ray Bradbury

    I am not a failure!
    I write something everyday.
    Everyday I say a prayer
    and I read a store or poem.

    Each day is a struggle
    against the darkness
    that threatens to overtake,
    against the voices of self-doubt,
    and against the fear
    that attempts to steal
    my sense of security.

    I am not a failure
    because each day
    I march forward toward the light
    that hides beyond the fog
    of today.

    I am not a failure
    because I continue to proclaim
    the name of the Lord.

    I am not a failure
    because I continue to write
    upon the tablet of my spirit
    both words and deeds.

    I am not a failure! I may not always make my word count goal, but I continue to try. I continue to write poetry and stories. Sometimes I have to look closely at the grammar and the word use because I think faster then I type, but that is the reason I edit and rewrite. As long as I move forward I cannot fail because movement is progress and progress is success.

    I am not a failure! Sometimes the darkness of depression overcomes and pushes me down. I will not remain depressed or down because I will rise above the depression simply by writing about the darkness. I write dark letters on a white page; I am working with the negative of light letters on a dark page.

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  • Sunday, January 18, 2015

    Sunday Speculations: Contemplation or Consideration

    According to one of the meanings of speculation is contemplation or consideration. After much contemplation and consideration, I have decided that the theme for my Sunday blog entries will concern speculation, contemplation, and consideration on various writing methods, subjects, and thoughts. I have no idea what I will be writing about from one Sunday to the next. The only thing I am sure of at this time is that it will cover some aspect of creative writing. I may compose a poem about a subject that caught my attention during the week. I may write flash fiction or discuss a character I am working on.

    I have decided to attempt creating a short blog entry everyday. I expect each entry to be between one hundred and three hundred words, but some entries may be shorter (poem entries) and some may be longer (flash fiction stories). I know that I have attempted several times in the past to write blog entries everyday with limited success. I will not say I failed because I keep trying. As long as a person keeps trying the person is not failing. Repeated attempts at any project is considered practice rather then failure (this is my personal belief).

    I ask anyone who wants to see what I am writing every day to subscribe to this blog or save the address on your favorites. Twenty Fifteen is a new year full of promise and speculation. I hope to survive the year and write numerous blogs entries about various subject with a focus on how those subjects effect the way I write. I am looking forward to reading your comments.

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  • Saturday, January 17, 2015

    Success Saturday: What Successes Have I Had This Second Full Week of January 2015?

    What writing successes did I have this week? I wrote something everyday. I completed two poems. I wrote several reviews stories and poems on I entered three contests on during the week.

    What housekeeping success did I have this week? I took the trash to the dumpster in the alley four days out of seven. I rearranged the canned vegetables and meats in the cupboards. I rearranged the canned fruit in the refrigerator. I cleaned out one of the shelves in the refrigerator. I moved the cups I use everyday from the cupboard to the desk where I keep the coffeemaker. I found the storage container I thought I had lost hidden in the back of the refrigerator shelf I cleaned off.

    What other successes did I have this week? I talked to my sister and both my brothers on my cellphone. This is a major success because normally I am in contact with my brothers only on Facebook. I made a salad out of the vegetables I had in the refrigerator; this is unusual because normally I eat the salad makings one item at a time. I cooked all ten pieces of the frozen chicken leg quarters I received at one of the food banks this week and then put them in the freezer to warm up later in the month.

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  • Friday, January 16, 2015

    Friday Afternoon in Las Vegas

    Friday afternoon in Las Vegas sounds exciting. It may be exciting for some people especially if they are walking along the Las Vegas Strip or at the Fremont Street Experience. For me Friday afternoon means listening to the neighbors music while sipping a cup of hot tea.

    Yes, I lead a really exciting life. Fortunately, I can alleviate the overwhelming excitement by writing poems, short  stories, or character profiles. This afternoon I am attempting to figure out how I am going to write a tongue twister. I have started the poem at least three different times without getting past the second line.

    Bobbie blogger blogs bumbling bees

    That is a good start, however, I need at least two more lines using words that begin with the letter B. Let me try another line with Bobbie and the bees.

    Buzzing bees buzz Bobbie blogger

    Writing a tongue twister is a challenge. Writing a tongue twister is fun. Of course, I enjoy writing form poetry even when the form is new to me or difficult. I also like writing free verse poetry, which is not as easy as it sounds.

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  • Thursday, January 15, 2015

    Thankful Thursday: January 15, 2015

    Today I am thankful...
    1. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn.
    2. ...for the two chicken leg quarters I have cooking with my vegetable soup for lunch.
    3. ...that today's late fall morning is turning into beautiful sunshiny afternoon.
    4. ...for the waffles and mixed fruit I had for breakfast.
    5. ...that I was able to brew a fresh carafe of coffee this morning.
    6. ...for
    7. ...that I have the talent and creativity to write poetry.
    8. ...for the weird noises I hear in this neighborhood because they generate ideas for stories.
    9. ...that I took the last antibiotic tablet this morning and I can throw the bottle away.
    10. ...for the sound of a Harley-Davidson roaring past my apartment complex.

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  • Tuesday, January 13, 2015

    Writing Through the Depression

    This morning I want to cry,
    but I don't know why
    so I will just sigh
    while I
    write through the depression.

    I don't know what's going on with me this morning. It could be that I'm just getting over being ill. The doctor prescribed five tablets three day ago with the instructions to take one table a day until they are all gone. I have two more days to go.

    Physically I feel better then I have in a couple of week, so the tablets are doing some good. The depression could also be caused by the way I eat. I normally don't eat a balanced meal at one setting. I eat protein or protein and starch in a sandwich and then eat my vegetables or fruit later as a snack. Some day I don't eat fruit or vegetable as a snack, but instead eat something with sugar in it. I know I should eat better; however, it is difficult to fix a balanced meal for one person.

    If I could afford to go to a sit down restaurant then I might be able to eat a balanced diet. Of course, that could be just an excuse. I need to find an excuse to eat a balanced diet at home rather then going out to eat. On the bright side, not having any money to go to a restaurant means I don't eat fast food. I have enough canned goods and a card that I use to purchase fresh vegetables or fruit.

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  • Monday, January 12, 2015

    Embracing Life, Okinawan Style

    In this episode, the seven travels who visited Okinawa are back in their own countries. This is the final episode in which the travelers talk about how their visit to Okinawa effected their lives. Click on the video below to see what they have to say.

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  • Sunday, January 11, 2015

    Writing on a Rainy Afternoon in Las Vegas

    A rainy Sunday
    Clouds conceal desert blue sky
    Asphalt  street shining

    It is Sunday afternoon, the rain descends in gentle drops soaking the dry desert ground. It has rained all day without stopping. At least that is how it seems to me. I have trash to take to alley, but it is too wet to  walk there and back. I will wait until Monday morning to take the trash to the dumpsters in the alley.

    A hot cup of  tea
    warms my body calms my mind
    sleepy afternoon

    Hot black English tea on a rainy afternoon is a relaxing way to contemplate my next word. I have worries, but this is not the time to state them or focus on them. I glance at the time wondering if it  is time to take my afternoon medication. I took that pill about 6:30 pm yesterday, so I think I will wait until then to take it today.

    I fill my pill box
    medication schedule
    for every weekday

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  • Friday, January 09, 2015

    January Writing: Friday, January 9, 2015

    I went to the doctor this morning and, instead of writing in my journal, I watched the television in the doctor's waiting room. The program that were playing concerned  health and wellness. One of them covered dealing with stress. One of the suggestions was to meditate for fifteen minutes a day.

    I am under a lot of stress, so I am going to attempt meditating for about fifteen minutes this evening. I am not sure how it will work because I have difficulty calming my busy mind in order to meditate; however, I am going to attempt to meditate and see if that helps.

    I think the best thing for my stress is more money. I am not sure how to increase my income because everything I attempt does not bring in enough money to pay the bills. I am tired of worrying about all the bills I have to pay. The worry is making me sick and, at my age, I cannot let anything affect my health. Therefore, I will attempt meditation to see if that helps me stop worrying enough to figure out how to increase my income.

    Stress and worry also have an effect on my writing. If I worry too much I cannot write because I cannot think of anything to write about except what I am worrying about. I think worry also effects the way I write and increase my grammar errors, but I am not sure about that.

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  • Wednesday, January 07, 2015

    Making 2015 a Writing Year

    How to make 2015 a Writing Year

    1. Carry a pen and notebook with me when I leave the house
    2. Meditate on a prayer or scripture verse and then write down my thoughts
    3. Write down my recipe for the homemade soup of the day I am creating
    4. Respond to the blog prompts I receive on
    5. Take a walk to the mail box, pick up the mail, and write a story about what I receive
    6. Compose a blog entry everyday even if I do it  late at night
    7. Sit down at the computer, open a document, and write
    8. Sit down with my pen and paper journal and write
    9. Purchase a blank card, write a note in it, and send to a friend
    10. Write down my dreams

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  • Monday, January 05, 2015

    Night of the Full Wolf Moon

    It's the night of the full wolf moon
    when echoes reverberate
    through the forest
    arousing the desire
    to become one of the pack.

    It's the night of the full wolf moon
    when Luna shines
    upon the snow covered
    ground of late winter;
    spring is coming
    to melt the snow
    on mountain tops
    the cold rock
    of cloud high peaks.

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  • Sunday, January 04, 2015

    Writing in 2015

    It is four days into the New Year and I still have not established my 2015 goal-resolutions. I have thought about my goals for the last week, but I cannot seem to finalize a plan to accomplish them. I know that I want to attempt publication. I know that I want to edit one novel and finish another. I know that I want to write at least 2,000 words a day because I had difficulty last year accomplishing this on a daily basis.

    I know that I have to sit down and finish writing the goals before the end of January. I keep getting distracted by other things that I need (or think I need) to do. I also get distracted by the cold, which cause my arthritis to flare up. It is aggravating when my finger joints start to ache or my knee goes out of joint when I attempt to get up out of a chair. These are test of my persistence.

    I encounter other distraction as well. I worry too much or perhaps I should say I obsess too much because the way I do it, it cannot be described as worrying. When I write (most of the time) I can put these things in the background while I focus on a blog entry or writing a poem to a contest. When I finis writing then the worries come back. The things that help me focus are prayer, something interesting to write about, and wearing at least four layers of clothes to keep me warm.

    I will post this and then I will make a list of the things I want to accomplish in 2015. A list of things to do this year may be as close as I get to making resolutions.

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  • Saturday, January 03, 2015

    Three Day Into 2015

    It's three days into 2015,
    I'm wondering
    if I should raise my word count goal
    another 1,000 words.

    It's three days into 2015,
    I'm planning
    on rewriting one novel
    and finishing

    It's three days into 2015,
    I'm wondering
    if I should cut down
    on the coffee;
    make one carafe a day
    instead of two.

    It's three days into 2015,
    I'm making
    my writing and spiritual
    goals for the year.

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  • Thursday, January 01, 2015

    Happy New Year 2015

    Happy New Year 2015!

    Another year is here
    waiting to to reveal it's joy
    and sorrow.

    What will 2015 bring?
    Only the next twelve months
    will reveal
    what this year
    has in store for us.

    Each day will bring
    something wonderful
    if we expect
    wonderful things to happen.

    In 2015
    we need to look beyond
    the sorrow
    and fear to find
    joy within.

    Inhale the crisp
    evening air,
    say a short prayer,
    and step boldly into
    the New Year.

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