Monday, February 27, 2006

Morning Prayers

Dawn is still so far away
that the chills of night embrace my words
and make the crystals swords that cut
my passion into a thousand pieces
for love to consume.

As the Earth moves around the sun,
obedient to love’s ancient law
I raise my voice in praise and gratitude;
I ask forgiveness of my sins,
for moments of forgetfulness
when the Beloved is not my goal.

Dawn prayers inscribed by the Beloved
upon the mirror of my soul
merge the rainbow dazzling shades
into a beam of radiant light
that ignites the veils which separate
God’s ancient temple
into a multitude of religious sects.
(2 Ayyam-i-Ha 162 B.E.)
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  • Saturday, February 25, 2006

    Defining Happiness

    What is happiness? This question came to my mind this morning when I read an e-mail from the yahoo group Journal Writing. The title of the post was “Getting over happiness” in which Psychologist Steven Hayes was paraphrased. The gist of the paraphrase was that we (American’s) are so preoccupied with “feeling good” that we are stopping ourselves from “living good” because to live life to its thoroughly means experiencing pain. We cannot live on the material plane without some type of pain and disappointment, but we do not want to feel pain or any other negative feeling. However, (I suspect) not experiencing those feeling actually prevents true happiness.

    The basic problem is how we define happiness. If we define happiness from a purely material angle then lack of pain may be important to material happiness, but (if like the mystic poets) we define life from a spiritual angle then pain and sadness contributes to the spiritual aspects of life. An example from the life of ‘Abdu’l-Baha may make the point better than anything else. ‘Abdu’l-Baha experienced exile and imprisonment because of his faith the majority of his life. Yet this did not prevent him from helping others nor did it prevent him from being happy. The reason for this is that ‘Abdu’l-Baha defined happiness from a spiritual aspect rather than a material point of view.

    Mystic poets define happiness in the presence of the Beloved, which means being in the presence of God (Divine Essence). Through prayer, meditation, reading the sacred writing and sacrifice, the mystic poets achieve spiritual happiness or the presence of the Divine Essence. In like manner ’Abdu’l-Baha achieved happiness because he prayed, meditated, read the sacred writings and sacrificed the desires of ego to the desires of the soul or the spirit.
    (19 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Friday, February 24, 2006

    The Coming of Spring

    The end of winter approaches,
    nature foretells a new year
    through the appearance of leaf buds
    pastel green harbingers of spring.

    When the sun crosses the vernal equinox
    winter dies and spring is born,
    and I feel the presence of the Beloved
    in the morning air and the rising sun.

    Beloved, I look for your approach
    when the sun crosses the equinox,
    I listen for the nightingale’s song
    and wait for you at dawn.

    The end of winter approaches,
    I cannot sleep,
    anticipating the sound of your voice
    calling to me from afar.

    The birds of winter flutter
    call out and gather material
    for their new nests
    anticipating spring’s blessings.

    Beloved, all year round
    you are within prayer distance
    but it is spring
    when I feel your presence most.
    (18 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Thursday, February 23, 2006

    Choosing Prosperity

    Choosing Prosperity

    Prosperity is a spiritual attitude and not a material condition; it is a spiritual choice that we make every day. Material wealth can often come between the soul and the Beloved; it (material wealth) can get in the way of seeing the Divine Essence, which created the universe. Material wealth gives one a distorted sense of reality, blinds one to the beauty of nature, to the oneness of humanity and to one’s own spiritual abilities.

    Now one might ask what does prosperity and spiritual poetry have in common. The poetry of the mystic speaks of the mystic’s poverty, indeed many mystic poets are poor and bereft of material wealth, but they have an abundance of spiritual wealth. Mystics of all religious backgrounds and cultures know that true wealth comes from the Beloved. They feel the presence of the Divine Essence and know that presence as true wealth or prosperity.

    So often, we humans looks at the lack of material things in our lives and despair, because we believe ourselves poor for lack of material items. I am not taking about the necessities (food, shelter, and clothing) here, but rather the extra stuff that a person desires. If you look at the lives of the well know mystics various cultures and religions, they considered absence of the Divine Essence as poverty or lack of wealth. The ancient mystic poets did not worry about food, shelter or clothing, but rather they worried about a relationship with God. For the mystic, in any culture or religion, being without a relationship with the Divine Essence was poverty. You know this by looking at any of their poems or writings, once the mystic had a personal relationship with the Divine Essence then the mystic viewed everything else in a different light, its true light. To the mystic poet his or her relationship with the Divine Essence (God no matter by what name the poet referred God) was prosperity.

    Neither reading nor writing mystic poetry leads to a personal relationship with the Divine Essence. Actually, one of the side effects of a personal relationship with God is writing mystic poetry. One achieves personal relations with the Divine Essence through prayer, meditation and reading the sacred writing, the Holy Scriptures. When one has, a personal relationship with the Creator, then on chooses prosperity and eventually one’s entire out look changes.
    (17 Mulk 162 B.E.)

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  • Monday, February 20, 2006

    The Big Date

    The Big Date

    This is the big date, the date I had planned so carefully so what is missing. The date I had planned so carefully without going to the Divine Essence in prayer, the blessing of the Beloved is missing. No matter what I do without the blessing of God, of the Divine Essence nothing can go right. I does not matter now how I try to retrieve what is left of the night, the blessing of God is not here making everything come out right. It is amazing, how one little prayer before starting a new project will affect the spirit of the project and the project’s outcome. Now that everything has fallen apart and I am left standing alone in the dark, I turn to the Beloved; I turn to the Divine Essence in prayer and ask forgiveness for my egotistical belief that without the blessing of God anything can turn out right.

    I fall on my knees and ask forgiveness; as I speak the words, I feel the presence of the Ancient of Days. Midnight and I hear the wind rising, I see the stars shining and I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The words I intone are not my own, but taken from the sacred scriptures. Memorized over decades of not knowing where to turn as I read the prayers and the sacred writings looking for an answer; now the words come back to me, I repeat them and they give me comfort. I repeat them and they contain the answers to my dilemma. I am not alone in the darkness, I am by myself, but I am not alone. The spirit of God, the Divine Essence, and the Ancient of Days is there whispering comfort into the ears of my spirit.
    (14 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Saturday, February 18, 2006

    Mystic Poem Generator

    The writing prompt for the yahoo group The Writing Spark for February 18, 2006 is “Write about the jobs you do.” I have started this poem to show that a person can use a prompt to start a mystic poem. Mystic poems come from every day life, they are inspired by the interplay between a person soul and the world around. Anyone can write a mystic or spiritual poem, a person just has to look around at the beauty, glory and splendor in his or her environment. Everyday chores can generate a mystic poem, just as going to a church or a spiritual service.

    The Jobs I Do

    For the love of You
    these are the jobs I do:
    I intone you name upon the morning air,
    waiting for the dawn to arrive in all its glory;
    I was the cloths while listening for Your Sacred Spirit’s coaching;
    I write of the love that You inspire;
    I do the dishes or I drive my car,
    while I review Your words of love
    that I have memorized.

    What is necessary to write a mystic poem? Prayer, meditation and reading the sacred scriptures are the foundation of writing mystic poems. Other necessities are a relationship with God, the presence of the Holy Spirit and a willingness to see the world around in a different light. One must look at the world through spiritual eyes, but one does not have to live the life of a hermit. In the present cycle living in the world and interacting with humanity can produce a great many mystic poems. In addition the mystic or spiritual poet must be willing to rewrite, rewrite and rewrite.

    Writing spiritual poetry is a part of the mystic’s quest for perfection, the mystic quest to reflect the attributes of God and proclaim the beloved to the world. However, a mystic poet is not a poet of one particular religion or time in history. A mystic poet is anyone who has a personal relation with the Creator, with the Divine Essence. It doesn’t matter by what name you call the Divine Essence or the Beloved or to what religion you belong, it is the personal relationship with the creator that is important. Mystic or spiritual poetry give the view of the poet writing the poem. We do not read spiritual poetry to learn about God, we read it to learn about the believer who wrote the poem.

    One can write a mystic poem in response to the poem of another mystic, in response to a quote from the sacred scriptures or in response from any prompt. Sometimes it takes a bit of meditation and prayer to find the response, but eventually the poet will find the response in alignment with his or her belief system, religion or concept of God. When reading the scriptures keep a pen and paper or a journal near by and jot down the words or thoughts that come to mind. Then begin to putting those thoughts into verse form or prose form (there are such things as prose poems). Keep a pen and journal with you at all time and write down any thoughts, words or events that arouse your curiosity, that engender a response. After the initial muse has come, then begin to compose the poem and later work at rewriting. If you are satisfied with you work, then rewriting is not necessary, but if you are not satisfied with your attempt at writing then rewriting is a requirement.
    (12 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Friday, February 17, 2006

    In My Spare Time

    In my spare time You are there
    Your words encouraging me to go beyond
    the limits of my doubts.

    I say my prayers
    and I feel Your presence
    embracing me
    and taking me to unknown
    heights of love.

    In my spare time
    think of You
    as I write odes of gratitude
    and praise.

    I intone Your name
    in the light of dawn and You are there
    whispering encouragement
    and faith
    that overcomes the voices
    of doubt and fear.

    In my spare time
    You are there
    because I take the time
    to call on You
    and meditate upon Your
    sacred verses.

    I love You
    not only in my spare time,
    but in the mundane
    desires of everyday activities.

    I see Your face
    in the clouds that pass above my head,
    and in the countenance
    of friends and strangers
    that pass me on the street.

    You are there for me
    in my spare time
    and in all the activities of my life.

    You forgive me the moments
    of forgetfulness
    when I forget to look
    for the blessing of Your presence.
    (11 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Thursday, February 16, 2006

    A Poem Sparked By a Prompt

    How Did I Get Here?

    Tell me, Beloved,
    how did I get here?
    Why was I born upon this planet
    at this point in its history,
    in its cultural and spiritual evolution.

    Tell me, Beloved,
    how did I get here?
    Why did You choose
    the sperm and the egg
    that created my body
    especially for me?
    What talents did they give
    the body that holds my soul?

    Tell me, Beloved,
    how did I get here?
    What is my purpose,
    I know that I was created to know and love You,
    I know that the purpose for humanity
    is to carry forward an ever advancing civilization,
    but do I have a purpose beyond this
    or am I here to assist
    in the advancement of civilization
    by proclaiming Your love
    and Your name across the planet.

    Tell me, Beloved,
    how did I get here?
    How did my soul come into conjunction
    with this body?
    I know that my spirit merge with this body
    at conception,
    but what was the process of this merging,
    or is it something I need to know or even worry
    about at this point in my spiritual evolution?
    What does this body hold
    for the my spirit?
    (10 Mulk 162 B.E.)

    This poem was sparked by a prompt from a yahoo prompt group.
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  • Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    My Thoughts On Valentine's Day

    The Poetry of Love

    Spiritual poetry is the poetry of love. It expresses the love of the seeker, the love of the lover for the Beloved. Who is the Beloved? In spiritual poetry the Beloved is the Divine Essence, the mystic or spiritual poet my call the Beloved by another name, by one of the names of the Divine Messengers, but the Beloved is always the Divine Essence whether the poet know it or not, whether the poet will admit it or not. The poet puts the love of the Divine Essence before herself (I say herself because the female is the symbol of the soul in most cultures and poems).

    The poet is the lover, the soul seeking the Divine Essence. The Divine Essence while it is a spirit and spiritual creatures have no physical gender is considered male in many (not all) cultures. There are many cultures and religions that have the concept of both the divine masculine and the divine feminine. The two appear to be two separate entities, but God or the Divine Essence is a singularity that can not be divided. As human beings we divide the Divine Essence into male and female into sects and religions, but in reality the Divine Essence is not and can not be divided. Humanity divides because the only way we appear to be able to comprehend something is to label it, to put it into categories.
    (8 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Monday, February 13, 2006

    A Collection of Memories

    Collection of Memories

    My life is a collection of memories
    of moments in your presence,
    I remember when we first met,
    the song that caught my ear,
    and I saw your glory approach.

    My life is a collection of memories
    of moments without you around,
    before I encountered you spirit
    in the words that of your sacred scriptures.

    My life is a collection of memories
    with and without you in my life,
    sometimes I forget to notice your presence
    and darkness fills my mind.

    My life is a collection of memories
    of moments and events
    that all bring me closer to you
    if I remember you are always near by;
    you are closer to me then my jugular vein
    but I am farther from you then
    the universe’s receding rim.
    (8 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Wednesday, February 08, 2006

    Forgetting Myself

    Forgetting Myself

    In your love I forgot myself today,
    forgot to worry over what was or was not said,
    forgot to obsess over what I did or did not do,
    I forgot myself and everything else in remembering you.

    I read your scripture and remembered why,
    you were sent into the world:
    Humanity is not alone any more than I,
    but in remembering self becomes forgetful of you.

    I intoned you name and forgot myself
    I remember you and love humanity,
    in your sacred scriptures I see unity
    all your names and attribute in a singularity.

    I forgot myself today and I remembered you
    I was no longer alone
    and it did not matter that I was by myself
    because I remembered you.

    The lesson that I learned today
    is that you are always near
    you are always waiting for me to remember
    if I forget you then there is nothing else.

    I remembered you today
    and in so doing I gain everything
    that makes life worth living
    and defines your love.
    (2 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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  • Thursday, February 02, 2006

    The Highest Form of Spiritual Poetry

    The Highest Form of Spiritual Poetry

    What is the highest form of spiritual poetry? For me it is the sacred scriptures. The verses in the Holy Books of humanity are poetry. Poetry revealed by God through one of His Prophets or Manifestations. True some of the translations of the Holy Books are not as high quality as others, but all the translations reveal the poetry of the spirit. In order to appreciate the poetry of the Holy Books we must read the verses, pray and meditate.

    The poetry of the sacred books must be approached with a pure heart. That is when one approach the reading of the scriptures one must approach without preconceived ideas. The more one prays and struggles to understand the scriptures the more the will of God will be revealed to that person. The poetry of the scriptures is a beautiful way to begin or end the day.

    Often times when a person looks for poetry, the person looks for line phased verses. However, not all the scriptures are in, what is often considered, traditional verse form. The scriptures are written in both verse (line phased) form and prose form, so often times we do not recognize the scriptures as poetry. Yet the sacred scriptures speaks directly to the human soul. They give us suggestions, inspiration, encouragement and reveal the to the human mind the potential poetry and art has to effect the human spirit.
    (15 Sultan 162 B.E.)
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