Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Making 2015 a Writing Year

How to make 2015 a Writing Year

  1. Carry a pen and notebook with me when I leave the house
  2. Meditate on a prayer or scripture verse and then write down my thoughts
  3. Write down my recipe for the homemade soup of the day I am creating
  4. Respond to the blog prompts I receive on
  5. Take a walk to the mail box, pick up the mail, and write a story about what I receive
  6. Compose a blog entry everyday even if I do it  late at night
  7. Sit down at the computer, open a document, and write
  8. Sit down with my pen and paper journal and write
  9. Purchase a blank card, write a note in it, and send to a friend
  10. Write down my dreams

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