Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday Thoughts: Time Management Issues

have always had problems with managing my time and the older I get the worse the issues become. That is why I was happy to read this week's issue of the Noticing Newbies newsletter on The title of the January 21, 2015 issue is Do you need more hours in the day? My answer is a resounding "Yes!" This week's issue list five ways a writer (or anyone else) can improve their time management.

1. Create a prioritized to-do list or prioritize your to-do list.

2. Setpersonal goals.

3. Manage distractions

4. Do not take on too much, in other words cut down on the multitasking.

5. Take time to relax

I have difficult with each of these items. I have to learn or begin (again) using them to manage my time and accomplish my goal. At this point, the first two are my main issues because I have attempted them in the past without much success. I did have a little bit of success using them, but then distractions reared their ugly heads (sorry about the cliché) and I begin attempting to multitask in order to handle the distractions. After that everything feel apart, so instead of starting at the beginning I gave up for a little while and let the distractions or worry interfere with my writing and my goal setting.

Since I am not one to give up completely and I am know to begin projects over several times before finishing them. I am going to begin the process of prioritized lists and goal setting again. This time I will use a different approach by writing blog entries about the list, the goals, and the success I am having keeping up with my lists. Twenty-fifteen is a new year and a new chance to accomplish my goals, which have been rearing their heads in my nightly dreams.

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