I installed a corded phone yesterday
When I subscribed to the communications package from CenturyLink I got voice mail. Since I have voice mail, I don't need an answering machine. The only problem is that now I have to remember to check my voice mail every morning, as well as when I return home. I like voice mail better then an answering machine because I don't have to worry about changing tapes or the cats pushing the answering machine onto the floor.
I installed the phone last night because I to make two phone calls to customer service lines. The only time I ever call customer service lines is when I need to talk to a customer service representatives. I always call at the busiest times and get placed on hold for a few minutes. The old phone kept losing battery power, so I know there was a problem with the battery and the corded phone doesn't have that problem.
Labels: answering machine, CenturyLink, voice mail