Seven Reason to get Out of Bed on Tuesday Morning
2. Coffee: I can't brew coffee while I'm still in bed because I don't have one of those fancy coffeemakers that I can set a timer on at night to have the coffee brewed in the morning. Even if I did have one of the fancy coffeemakers, I wouldn't use the timer. I enjoy making my own coffee in the morning right after I take my thyroid pill.
3. Sunshine: If I stay in bed I can't stand at my front door and watch the morning sun cast palm tree shadows across Sunrise Avenue.
4. Breakfast: I can't serve myself breakfast in bed. If I could figure out a way to do it then I might do it, which wouldn't be a good thing because I would probably spill my cereal and coconut milk in the bed. That would mean changing the bedsheets more then once a week.
5. Exercise: I can't exercise in bed. It's difficult to remain in bed and walk into the living room or kitchen at the same time. I have to go into the living room to take my pills and then into the kitchen to brew coffee. My morning exercise consists of walking through my house.
6. Blogging: I don't have a laptop, therefore I have to get out of bed, walk into the living room (where the computer is located) and turn the computer on before I can make a blog entry.
7. Trash: I can't lug the sacks of trash to the dumpster in the alley if I remain in bed on Tuesday morning.
Labels: blogging, breakfast, coffee, exercise, medication, Sunshine, trash, Tuesday