Saturday, July 04, 2015

Seven Ways to Celebrate Independence Day when You are Alone

1. Pray: Take time during the day to say a prayer for America. I am saying the "Prayer for America" revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha.

2. Breakfast: Fix something different for breakfast. For instance, today I ate tilapia with watermelon, pineapple, grapes, cantaloupe, and Cole slaw. Usually I eat either an egg or cereal with almond or coconut milk.

3. T.V. News: I watched the CNN News while eating breakfast. I learned that there is a mystery about the Declaration of Independence. The mystery is "Who put the hand print on the Declaration of Independence?" This is something I need to research so that I can write a poem or include it in a short story.

4. Tradition: Practice or follow at least one family tradition during the day. Today I plan to watch "A Capitol Fourth" on PBS. This was a show my mother and I used to watch every year. I got away from the tradition after Mom died in 2012, this year I am going to restart the tradition.

5. Listen: Listen to the neighborhood noises if there are any. My neighborhood is quiet this morning, but I think it has to to with this being July 4 and everyone wants to rest up for the fireworks tonight.

6. Look: Open your blinds or curtains and look outside. There is not a lot of activity this morning. I saw one woman walking her dog and another walking east toward Eastern Avenue.

7. Write: Send a text to your friends or family wishing them a Happy 4th. Compose a blog or journal entry about the way you are celebrating the fourth. Write a short story or poem about a Fourth of July memory.

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