Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday Thoughts: Get Out of the House

This is the fourth Thursday in July 2015, which means there are eight days left in the month. I live, make that survive, on a fixed income (I think it should be called a broken income). The closer to the end of the month the better chance of running out of money for food. Fortunately, I do not have to worry about eating because there are food banks in Las Vegas. A couple of friends and myself spent the last three mornings waiting in line at three different food banks.

This means two things. First, I am in a better mood because I left the house and stood in the sunshine for a little while. This increased the vitamin D which always affects my mood and sense of humor. As a results my muse is more cooperative and discovers all sorts of subjects to write about. Second, I will be eating green salads for the next three or four days. Since I take medication that causes constipation, which causes me stomach pain. The green salads will prevent stomach pain and this means I can comfortably sit at the computer.

I do not know if I will be getting out of the house anymore this week. The only outing I have planned is to carry the trash to the dumpster in the alley. The short outing will have a slight impact on my mood, but I am not sure whether the impact will be good or bad because a trip to the alley does not always help my mood. This is because sometimes it is difficult for me to walk because of the osteoarthritis. Waiting in line at the food banks usually is not a problem because there are places I can sit down.

As a results of my outings, I have written one poem, started an essay and a short story. The short story I have to finish by July 31 while the deadline for the essay is August 14. I plan to finish both of them before the deadline so that I can edit if necessary. I have also increased the word count of my blog entries.

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