Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday Speculations: Sometimes It's Easy to Write

This morning, before breakfast, I was happy and it was easy to write. Now, after breakfast, I am depressed and it is difficult to write anything. Why would a little thing like breakfast change my mood so quickly? The only answer I can come up with is breakfast. This morning I had hotcakes with blueberries. Since blueberries never darken my mood then it most have been something I put in or on the hotcakes.

I make the hotcakes almost from scratch. I used a mix that required one egg, 3/4 cups of milk, and some vegetable oil. Instead of regular milk I used coconut milk. None of the items I used to mix the hotcakes affect my mood and there was nothing in the ingredients on the side of the box that would cause a problem. Therefore, it had to be one or both of the other two items I put on the hotcakes. The only two other items I used was margarine and syrup.

The margarine I used was the same type I have used for years. I used a light syrup, which I thought would be better because it had less calories then the regular syrup. I did not read the ingredients on the syrup bottle so I do not know how much sugar or other sweetener was used in making the syrup. The sweetener could have been sugar or an artificial sweeter of some type. Both sugar affects my mood and some artificial sweeteners darken my mood. I think the next time I use something sweet on my hotcakes I will use honey.

Writing this entry helped. My mood is not as dark as a few minutes ago. I am still depressed, but not quite as bad as before. Unless I do something about this mood I will be fighting it all day. I think I will try drinking some more coffee and some water. At least, I know those two things do not have sweetener in them.

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