Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Writing in the Laundromat

Today was laundry day, so a pushed the cart full of dirty clothes to the car which was parked in the alley. I then unloading the clothes into the backseat of the car. Next I put the cart in the trunk and I drove to the laundromat where I loaded the clothes back into the roll cart. I know there must be an easier way, but I have not found it.

I go to a completely automated laundromat. It uses specially created debit cards to run the machines. I have my own laundry card so whenever I go all I have to do is check the card to see how much I have on it and then I load whatever amount of cash onto the card. It is so much easier then having to lug rolls of quarters around.

I loaded the clothes into the washer. I put the laundry soap in and then I stuck the card into the slot and it deducted the amount for the wash. After the clothes were washed I put them in the dryer and then slid my card into the slot. It deducted the amount I and I then pushed start.

I like going to this laundromat because it has free wi-fy. Today I wrote in my pen and paper journal while waiting for the my clothes to finish washing and drying. Sometimes I read or take to some of the customers, but today was Tuesday so there the laundromat was almost empty. It is nice to sit in an air conditioned building waiting for my clothes to wash instead of having to walk back and forth across the street every thirty or so minutes to see if my clothes are ready.

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