Thursday Thoughts: A Writer's Gratitude List for Thursday, July 30, 2015
Today I am thankful...
01. ...for hot coffee because it wakes me up and energizes my muse.
02. ...that the spiritual newsletter for Wednesday, July 29, discussed Life's Experiences because I was able to use the theme in yesterday's Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon blog post.
03. ...for the Journal Jar I have sitting on the lower shelf of my television stand because I can use the prompts it contains for blog entries when I encounter blog block.
04. ...that I found my Grandfather's gold pocket watch because I can use it in a poem or short story.
05. ,,,for the card some young people left at my front door last night about a House of Peace located somewhere near me. I am grateful for this card because it give me the idea for a poem about prayer and peace.
06. ...that I have two containers of concentrated cranberry juice in my refrigerator. I like to mix the concentrated juice with apple juice to make my own cran-apple juice because it tastes better then the kind I purchase in the store.
07. ...for the excitement we had in my neighborhood yesterday morning. I heard some unusual noises so opened the door to see what was up. When I looked out I saw yellow police tape stretched from one side of the street to the other. I also saw television cameras and a herd of police cars parked in the street. I can use this in a short story.
08. ...that I now have a chest of drawers and a dresser in my bedroom because now I can put my t-shirts and slacks in those instead of hanging them up in the closet or putting them in laundry baskets.
09. ...for Thankful Thursday because I can find ten things to be grateful for eavery week.
10. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn today.
Labels: Thankful Thursday, Thursday Thoughts