I completed 50,013 words on November 29, 2010
I completed 50,013 words on November 29, 2010 and won NaNoWriMo in 2010. I finished NaNoWriMo this year. Now I have to focus on rewriting.
Labels: NaNoWriMo

This blog contains ads for sponsored products, as well as my own thoughts on writing and other stuff.
Labels: NaNoWriMo
Labels: Haibun, Haiku, Las Vegas, Thanksgiving
Labels: work boots
Labels: Haibun, Haiku, Las Vegas, Mount Charleston, snow
Labels: handheld TV, TV
Labels: autumn, cold, Haiku, heat, Thanksgiving
Labels: insurance quote, life insurance, no medicl exam, term life insurance
Labels: coffee, coffee cans, coffee containers
Labels: life insurance
Labels: computers, Dell, Office Depot, office supplies
Labels: Writing
Labels: coffee, coffee poem, Haibun, Haiku
Labels: clocks, wall clocks
Labels: paintball, paintball gear, paintball guns
Labels: Gratitude, Haibun, Haiku, Thanksgiving
Labels: provider, web hosting, web site
Labels: birthday, Christmas, Haibun, Haiku, Las Vegas, Thanksgiving
Labels: Daylight Savings Time, Haibun, Haiku
Labels: arthritis, osteoarthritis
Labels: Alzheimer's disease, NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month
Labels: dehumidifier
Labels: epitaph, Plan your epitaph day
Labels: National Author's Day
Labels: NaNoWriMo, NaNoWriMoPrep, National Novel Writing Month, writing.com