Thankful Thursday: A Writer's Gratitude List
Today I am grateful for...
01. black coffee because it wakes me up and helps me focus on writing.
02. ...the experiences I have had while standing in line at a food bank because they resulted in a poem.
03. ...the second hand and discount stores where I purchase my clothes because they give me ideas for stories.
04. ...the beauty of a scarlet winter morning dawn because it inspires me to write poetry.
05. ...the members of who review my stories or poems and give me suggestions on ways to improve my writing.
06. friends dog because she (the dog) dances all over the floor when she sees either of us.
07. internet connection because it gives me access to the world.
08. ...the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah, The Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha because they inspire me to write poetry.
09. ...Medicare and Medicaid because without them I would be unable to pay my doctor bills. The ability to pay my doctor bills helps me keep writing.
10. ...Christmas, the stuffed bear that a friend sent me, because every time I look at him I smile. Smiling helps keep me from becoming depressed and lets me keep writing.
Labels: Gratitude, Gratitude list., Thankful Thursday, writer, Writing