Wednesday Word: Exercise
This morning I walked from my apartment to the alley where I got in my car. I then drove my car to the grocery store. I went into the grocery store, got a cart, and did some shopping. I don't have a specific walking pattern when I go into the supermarket because one of the reasons for going is to get exercise. The other reason, of course, is to purchase food.
I know there is supposed to be a specific pattern to walking up and down the aisles in a grocery store. I don't know what it is and I'm not interest in finding out because the was I do it works and it increases my exercise time. After I get my grocery cart then I chose a random aisle and begin my shopping. I walk down or up the aisle looking at the contents on the shelf.
This morning I begin on the aisle that had packaged dried fruit. I picked up a large package of dried cranberries, read the ingredients on the label, and then put it in my shopping cart. After I decided on the large package of dried cranberries, I saw a smaller package. I picked up the package and looked at the ingredients and then at the size. I put the small package of cranberries back on the shelf because it was more economical for me to purchase the large one.
Next I went to the packaged meat section because I wanted some chicken breast, hamburger, and turkey sausage. I picked out the meat and then I went back to the aisle where I purchased the cranberries. I know that's not the was one is supposed to shop, but I was looking for peanut butter. I didn't purchase any peanut butter because before I got to the peanut butter I found a nice size container of apple butter and bought that. After that I went looking for the rest of the stuff I went in to buy.
The only things I went into the grocery store for was meat, coffee filters, and to get a little exercise. I got what I went in for and much more. I will have to go back to the store on Friday or Saturday because I need some dish washing liquid, but I may go to a different store because I have an e-coupon at another store for that.
Labels: exercise, grocery store, supermarket, walk, Wednesday Word