Saturday, April 11, 2015

Success Saturday: The First Saturday in April

It is the first Saturday in April. It has been a successful week of housework procrastination. I did get the trash taken out everyday, at least I think I took it out everyday because it has not piled up in my apartment. I kept the dishes washed on a regular basis, but that is because I do not have very many dishes and if I don't wash them every day I don't have anything to eat out of or with. All right, so much for my weird sense of humor this beautiful Saturday morning or is it afternoon.

This week I worked the primary election polls on Tuesday, April 7. It was interesting and fun, but the turn out was not all that great since it was a local election for mayor and some council people. There will be no general election this year because the winners received the majority (over 50%) of the votes. This means that I will not be working the polls until next year, which is a national election. The turnout in 2016 should be much better then this year because national elections always draw a bigger crowd of voters.

This week I earned more money from one of the survey groups. This makes three times in three weeks I have transferred money from one of my survey accounts to my bank account. This is good because it keeps me from stressing when I have to purchase nonfood items or pay for a prescription. I still have to worry about the power bill and the internet bill, but the money from working the polls will take care of one of those. I just have to figure out where the rest of the money is coming from.

This week I wrote a great deal. In fact I managed to make my word count goal and write some poem. I still have to deal with housework because I cannot afford a maid. If I could afford a maid I would hire one to clean the bathroom and mop the floor once a week. Since I am the only one doing that those items are lucky to get done once every two weeks. I am attempting something new with the house work this week, I am blocking out time for it on a schedule. Today was the first day I did that and I am not going to write how well I am doing until next Saturday.

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