New Year’s Eve Thoughts
Looking back over 2010, I remember completing the NaNoWriMo Prep Challenge and writing a 50,000 word novel during NaNoWriMo. In 2010, I accomplished both in the same year, which was one of my writing goals. There were things I did not accomplish and some of those I need to focus on in 2011.
I sit down yesterday and wrote down nine goals for 2011. The first thing on that list is move 27 things in my house. I decided to make that the first goal because of this quote (from an unknown source): "If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home." Looking around, I can see a lot I want to move, but I only have to focus on moving 27 things during 2011. I believe I can accomplish that task.
I am not going to list everything on my 2011 goal list today. I will wait to post my goal list until the New Year because I want to review the list again before I post it.
Labels: 2010, 2011, goals, New Year's Eve, resolutions