Four Days remaining in 2010
In four days another Gregorian year begins. Friday, December 31, is the last day of 2010. Saturday, January 1, is the first day of 2011. There are four days left to accomplish any 2010 resolutions that remain unaccomplished and to set new goals for a New Year.
I prefer to set goals rather then make resolutions. Resolutions seem to be things that people drop between January 1 and January 31, every year. Goals are a little more concrete and we can accomplish them in steps. Think of the year as a staircase with 12 landings and 365 steps divided into sections leading to each landing. Each stair step contains an action necessary to the accomplishment of the final goal.
I have my 2011 planning calendar set up with the important dates and writing deadlines, I know about inserted. The only I have to do now is decided on the daily steps to accomplish each writing project by the deadline. I know accomplishing my goals will not be easy, but I also know that if I “keep on keeping on” I can accomplish my goals.
I prefer to set goals rather then make resolutions. Resolutions seem to be things that people drop between January 1 and January 31, every year. Goals are a little more concrete and we can accomplish them in steps. Think of the year as a staircase with 12 landings and 365 steps divided into sections leading to each landing. Each stair step contains an action necessary to the accomplishment of the final goal.
I have my 2011 planning calendar set up with the important dates and writing deadlines, I know about inserted. The only I have to do now is decided on the daily steps to accomplish each writing project by the deadline. I know accomplishing my goals will not be easy, but I also know that if I “keep on keeping on” I can accomplish my goals.
Labels: 2010, 2011, goals, New Year, New Year's Resolutions, resolutions
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