Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tomorrow is Valentines Day

Send a single rose
A beautiful scarlet rose
In a crystal vase

Tomorrow is Valentines Day when many people send roses, chocolate heart shaped boxes of candy, and teddy bears to those they love and desire. If someone can't afford a gift then that person can go to any dollar store to find a beautiful red or pink heart shaped Valentines card for the sunshine in his or her life.

Write a poem for
the passion in your life
on Valentines Day.

Other people will purchase diamonds or a cruise for that special someone. However, there are less expensive ways to show love to another human being. If finances are a problem then a less expensive and more genuine ways to express love and passion for the important person in one's life. Some of these ways are writing a poem, fixing a meal, or taking a long romantic walk. I sure that there are other ways to express one's love on Valentines day besides purchasing expensive gift and acquiring more debt.

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