Working on my Monday To Do List
1. I took all my morning medications.
2. I checked my Kroger I-Wireless account to find out how many minutes I have on my phone.
3. I checked the Be On for Publishers website for videos to post in this blog.
4. I checked the IZEA website for anything going on there.
5. I checked the Pay Per Post website for any leads.
6. I checked the Social Spark website for any leads or opportunities.
There are several items I still have to check and I have to decide whether to take another pain pill for my knee or wait until lunch or dinner. I pulled something in my knee on Saturday evening. On Sunday, I took a pain pill with my breakfast and another with my dinner. Those two pills help reduce the pain and the swelling in my left knee. I can walk much better today, the problem is getting up out of the chair after I finished writing or checking websites. I think I will have to limit my sessions at the computer to 15 or 20 minutes at a time.
Labels: Be On fro Publishers, IZEA, knee pain, Kroger, medication, Monday, payperpost, SocialSpark, to do list