Friday, February 17, 2006

In My Spare Time

In my spare time You are there
Your words encouraging me to go beyond
the limits of my doubts.

I say my prayers
and I feel Your presence
embracing me
and taking me to unknown
heights of love.

In my spare time
think of You
as I write odes of gratitude
and praise.

I intone Your name
in the light of dawn and You are there
whispering encouragement
and faith
that overcomes the voices
of doubt and fear.

In my spare time
You are there
because I take the time
to call on You
and meditate upon Your
sacred verses.

I love You
not only in my spare time,
but in the mundane
desires of everyday activities.

I see Your face
in the clouds that pass above my head,
and in the countenance
of friends and strangers
that pass me on the street.

You are there for me
in my spare time
and in all the activities of my life.

You forgive me the moments
of forgetfulness
when I forget to look
for the blessing of Your presence.
(11 Mulk 162 B.E.)
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