Monday, December 22, 2008

Writing the Blues

I think it must be the time of year. Maybe it's because my birthday is December 24, but I seem to be writing the blues. The day doesn't help because the sky is cloudy and the wind is blowing. There is a wind chill factor outside and it's chilly inside.

I'm writing the blues
inscribing joyless poems
on winter's cold wind.

I'm also having a bit of difficulties composing this entry. It's the time of year, the wind chill, not having a car. I could find all sorts of excuses about why I'm blue. I could find all sorts of excuses for not writing. I'm not going to do either because it just doesn't help to find excuses not to do something I enjoy.

I like writing. There are certain things about winter that I do like. True I'm not crazy about the cold. I could do without the wind chill factor. However, I do enjoy the winter constellations. Unfortunately, I can't see them very well living is Las Vegas. The only stars I can see are directly above and from the looks of the could cover I'll not see any stars tonight.

Now that sounds like a good title for a poem "I'll not see any stars tonight". I think I've written myself out of the blues, for a little bit any way. Perhaps that's what I need to do when I'm feeling blue. If I just start writing then I'll write myself out of the blues.

I've written myself
out of the blues tonight
autumn is now bright.

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