Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Poem Titles

4 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Tuesday, September 11, 2007 about 6:34 AM PDT

I found the book Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making, by John Fox. I've had the book for a while. I started reading it, because I underlined some phrases I thought would make good titles for poems. This will help me when my muse goes south and my inner critic decides to criticizes me.

I've found writers' block usually attacks when my inner critic is over active and my muse is on a vacation. At these times it helps to have a title or a poetic form in mind when writing. A poet or any writer can't write only when inspiration strikes. A writer must write everyday, rain or shine, electricity or no electricity. Writing only when inspiration strikes doesn't get any writing completed.

I think I'll start reading the book from the beginning rather than where I left off. Start from the beginning of the book and do the exercises as I go, makes more sense than anything else I can think of. The phrases for poem titles will be a big help, I'm working on a poem journal call 1001 Poem, so having a title already is helpful. Just because I use the title in the first draft of a poem doesn't mean it's going to stay that way. I always give my poem, stories, novels and essays working titles.
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