Monday, September 03, 2007

Celebrating Labor Day

16 Asma 164 B.E. - September 03, 2007 about 9:20 PM PDT

It's labor day, the unofficial last day of summer. I celebrated appropriately. No I didn't go to a beach and watch medical waste or dead fish wash ashore. I did laundry, sheets mostly but some bath towels, wash cloths and pot holders. Washed and waited by the washing machine in the spin cycle because it's uneven and if I don't stand against it then it moves out of position. If I don't stand by it, then I have to move it back into position when I've taken the cloths out. Even empty the machine is heavy and it strains back.

I'm not complaining, standing by the washing machine in the spin cycle can be a spiritual experience. You just have to know how to make it spiritual. It's always good to have a prayer book or a scripture book there to read while the machine is spinning the cloths. You stand there and read a prayer or verse of scripture, then you meditate on what you've just read.

I don't think I'll do laundry tomorrow. I've got enough sheets to change all three beds, but I'll only change two. The third bed isn't being used, except as a catch-all and doesn't need changing at the moment. I'll change it when we're ready to use it. Right now my Mother is sleeping in a hospital bed that in the dining room. The dining room table is in the living room. There is a table in the dining room next to the T.V., but that table goes in the breakfast room, which is next to the kitchen and close to the washer and dryer.

We don't use the breakfast room for breakfast or any other meal. There is a couch in there, which I have to move back against the wall before I can put the table back in that room. Actually I should call it the telephone room because that's where the telephone is, but since I have a phone I can carry with me throughout the house the only part of the phone that is in that room is the part that recharges the battery.

Speaking of phone batteries, I have a tendency to let the battery go dead or almost dead before recharging it again. That isn't the case right now, but I plan on taking the phone to bed with me when and if I actually go to sleep tonight. I found out on thing, when the battery goes it cuts your phone call off. Of course, the only time it's did that lately is when I've called in a prescription, I get the meds in before the battery goes.
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