Tuesday, September 04, 2007

In the Shadows

17 Asma 164 B.E. - September 04, 2007 about 8:50 PM PDT

I went to Albertson's this evening about 5:00 PM. I like to go to the store at that time because the parking lot, especially the handicapped spots, are shaded by the building. The car stays cooler when it's parked in the shade. There's not a lot of shade in Vegas, especially in parking lots. Ever since Mom got out of the hospital, we've had a handicapped placard to hang in the window. She uses either a wheel chair or a walker depending on how tired she is when we go to the store.

There are two grocery stores I can go to that have lots situated like that. One is the Ablertson's on the corner of Maryland PKW and Sahara. The other is the Food 4 Less on the corner of Eastern and Sahara. If I go the them at a certain time of an evening then the car sets in the shadow of the building. That way when we get back from the store it's cooler and the car is more comfortable when it's cooler.

Women's poetry night is on September 18, we'll be going to that one. I'd like to go to the one next week as well. Next week is an open mic, Remember 9/11. I still haven't come up with a poem yet, but the title In The Shadows sounds like it might work out. However, a title without a poem isn't much, still it has possibilities. I'm just not sure where to go from the title. When it comes to writing poems sometimes I start with a title and sometime I don't. I give all my poems and stories titles even if they are only working titles.

Today we finally got some chocolate chip ice cream. It's been a while since we had ice cream. Actually I think it's been two or three months. We still don't have soda in the house, but that's all right for a while. Mom said today she'd rather have Arizona Ice Tea then soda. I'm inclined to agree with her most of the time. We've had soda to drink, when we go to KFC to get chicken we get a meal that comes with soda, I usually get Dr. Pepper.

I feel like I've been in the shadows for a long while. We don't go out a lot. Usually go to Feast once ever nineteen days. However, with the exception of Men's Poetry Night last week we haven't been to a poetry meeting. There was a meeting at the reJAVAnate tonight, that we didn't go to. If we're going to go to open mic readings, I'm going to have to get cartridges for my printer. It needs both black and white and color. Normally the black and white runs out first, but this time I'm out of both.

Women's poetry night is on September 18. Next week on September 11 is an open mic called Remembering 9/11. Every year there is an open mic about 9/11. I've written two poem on the subject. I'd like to go to the one next week and I will if I can come up with a poem. I think I can read four poems, two before the break and two after. I can read the ones I've written, but I still need two more.

I also need to write new poems for women's night. I'm thinking about writing a new signature poem. I do have a signature poem, but things in my life have changed lately and I want a new one. One that reflect my present state of mind, my present spirituality.
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