Saturday, September 08, 2007

Two Day Behind

1 Izzat 164 B.E. - Saturday, September 8, 2007 about 11:08 AM PDT

My brother and his family were in town Thursday and Friday. We spent most of both day visiting them, which means I'm two days behind on everything. Today I'm focusing on getting the laundry, dishes and writing caught up. If I'm lucky I'll get two or three reviews done at Multitasking is a bit of a problem sometimes because there are just certain things that can be multitasked without difficulty.

I can dry cloths and write at the same time because it take the dryer an hour to dry completely dry the sheets and towels. I can do dish and wash cloths at the same time because the washer is in the kitchen near the dish pan. I'm washing dishes by hand right now, because there is something stuck in the garbage disposal and I don't want to have to bail the dishwasher out again. Besides the washing machine isn't level and it moves when the cloths are going through the spin cycle unless I stand directly against it and prevent the problem. If I don't then I have to move the machine back into position after I empty it. A washing machine, even an empty one is heavy and does a number on my back.

I'm also drinking water as opposed to anything else today. The past two days I didn't drink enough water. I remember to take water for Mom with us when we went out, but not for me. Therefore, I'll drink a much water as I can even if it is out of the facet. Once the laundry is caught up I'll go to Albertson's and get a mop (all I have are sponge mops and they don't work properly), a new broom (unless the broom I have washes up decently) and either some Arizona Ice Tea or Soda. I haven't had soda in the house for two months. The only time I've drink soda is at the Feast.

My brother and his wife took Mom and I to the Flamingo Buffet on Thursday and Friday. The spread there was really nice, I don't know what they charge but it's worth the money. Especially the desert bar and the salads. Mom and I had coffee, Mom had water as well because she had pills to take. We enjoyed ourselves and I gave my brother the cast iron Saint Bernard bank that belonged to Mom when she was a child.

Last night Mom and I went to the Feast of 'Izzat (Might) at the Baha'i Center in Las Vegas. The Feast was wonderful, during the social portion they had soda, I drink Pepsi and Orange soda. It's been a long time since I had orange soda, I enjoyed it for a change. However, when I get the soda for home I'll either get Wild Cherry Pepsi or Dr. Pepper. I'm not sure which right now.
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