Friday, July 01, 2016

Welcome to July the Month of Chewing Ice

Prompt: How do you feel about some one chewing ice at the table? Would you speak to someone if they were chewing ice or would you ignore it? 

I  prefer to suck on ice myself, but if someone likes chewing on it more power to them. Listening to someone chewing on ice can be a bit irritating, but it is a minor irritation. When I was younger, and had all my natural teeth, I chewed on ice once in a while. The sensation was weird and interesting because the cold hurt my teeth. The sound was  interesting because I could feel and hear the sound at the same time. 

I stopped chewing on ice because it hurt my teeth. I switched to sucking on the ice because I liked the feel of the ice on my gums. I have a complete set of dentures, which make chewing on ice dangerous. Chewing on ice could break my dentures and cost a lot of money to fix. However, sucking on ice is acceptable  because, even with dentures, I still get the same cool sensation in my gums and throat .  

Would I speak to someone who was chewing on ice? That depends on how irritating the sound became. If the sound interfered with the conversation I would say something. If the person wanted to chew on ice more then he or she wanted to talk to me then I would speak up or I would leave. Chewing on ice when you are out  with someone is as rude as  texting or talking on your smartphone. 

The habit of chewing on ice would make a good character trait. A protagonist or antagonist with this habit could be very interesting. I wonder why someone would chew on ice especially since it could damage their teeth. Perhaps make it a nervous habit  that the character does not realize is occuring until someone tells her. 

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