Monday, June 20, 2016

Prompt Me Monday: Summer's Arrival in Las Vegas

Prompt from a blog group on We are dealing with Dangerous Heat here in Las Vegas. The National Weather Service has issues an Excessive Heat Warning for Southern Nevada (Las Vegas) northwest Arizona and Southern California until 9:00 PM on Wednesday. Temperatures are expected to get as high as 115 degrees. Write a story about someone dealing with excessively high temperatures. 

Ways to deal with extreme heat: (1) drink plenty of water and juice, (2) cut down on the coffee, (3) fill the bathtub with ice and sit down in it, (4) take a cold shower, (5) wash your head in cold water, and (6) take the dog for a walk in the early morning or late evening, and (6) put chocolate in the freezer so you don't get chocolate on your hands when you eat it. 

I know that isn't a short story or flash fiction about dealing with extreme heat. I might think of a story later today. If I do then I'll write it. This morning I'm just trying to warm up my writing. Even in extreme heat a writer has to warm up before writing a story. 

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