Saturday, June 18, 2016

Writing My Saturday Thoughts: Is it more than just the Blues?

I want to cry! I want to sit down and bawl my eyes out. I have to do something about this brown study. I have to do something about this depressed feeling I've dealt with lately. I'm not sure when this episode started, but I think it was a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes it gets better and sometimes it gets worse. I know I'm depressed because I'm having difficulty focusing and I want to cry. 

I've attempted to write it out through blog entries and short stories, but that doesn't work for very long. Sometimes I can overcome the sadness by reading a funny story, poem, or joke. That works for a little while; however, eventually the darkness comes back. I'm going to have to widen my approach with a visit to my doctor, increasing my exercise routine, and focused meditation. I don't like the idea of talking to my doctor because the last time I brought up the subject she wanted to give me medication for the depression. 

I'm taking enough medication for other problems. I don't think medication for depression is going to help anyway. The depression passes when I write. The depression passes when I meditate. The depression passes when I say prayers. The depression passes when I exercise by walking. I still haven't answered the question: Is it more than just the blues I'm feeling? 

I suppose it could have something to do with the change in weather or my weight. I do need to lose some weight, but I get so discouraged when the weight doesn't come off the way I think it should. Come to think of it there's a lot of things that make me discouraged and discouragement encourages depression. I have to make an appointment with my doctor next week because of another matter, so I'll talk to her again about the depression. 

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