Sunday, March 08, 2015

Sunday Speculations: How to Spring Forward without Hurting Yourself

It's too late for me to suggest taking your clock off the shelf so that it doesn't hurt its hands when it springs forward. Daylight savings time arrive precisely at 2:00 am when the clocks on my computer and cellphone sprung forward. Fortunately neither the computer nor the cellphone hurt themselves when their clocks sprung forward. I managed to extract myself from my bed sometime between 5:00 and 6:00 am Pacific Daylight Time which my body said was between 4:00 and 5:00 am Pacific Standard Time. I took my thyroid tablet medication and then messed about my apartment for an hour or so before making breakfast.

This morning breakfast consisted of a carafe of coffee, a couple of Twinkies, and a couple of mugs of soup. I am awake! I'm groggy because of the time change, but I'm awake. I'm attempting to write 2,000 words. I also have to decided whether I'm in any condition to carry two small bags of trash to the dumpster in the alley. According to several different studies the days right after the change from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time are dangerous because there are more accidents. There are more accidents because people are getting up an hour earlier (because the clocks jumped forward) and they are sleepy.

I'm groggy. I'm moving slowly. I'm attempting to plan my week without much success. I have a lot of writing to do before March 16, which is next Monday. Unfortunately, I can't focus because of the time change. I'm not even sure that this entry makes any sense, but I'll finish it and post it anyway. I'm so unfocused that the weird noises the neighbors make is startling me, which is unusual. Normally I pay no attention to the noises that come from outside or next door, but today it's different. I think the reason for that is the switch from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time.

To be on the safe side, I think I'll just carry one bag of trash to the alley. Then tomorrow, when I go to the store to pick up my eye drop prescription I'll take out the bag of plastic bottles. I have to take out one bag today because it contains something that I removed from the refrigerator this morning. I think the item may have been a salad, but it had begun to grow little fuzzy stuff and so I threw it out.

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