Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Tuesday's Tip: Ten Things you need to do or have on a Cold Rainy Day in Las Vegas

01. Do not get out in the rain. If you have to go out make sure to wear warm waterproof clothing.

02. Find a flashlight that has good batteries or candles with matches because you will need one or both of them if the electricity goes off.

03. If you are editing or writing a story make sure to save it every three minutes in case the electricity goes off. It is very irritating to lose power when you have not saved your document for thirty minutes.

04. Pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee so that you have something to wrap your arthritic fingers around to keep warm. Because arthritis slows down your typing speed you cannot type fast enough to keep your fingers warm or your joints from aching in the cold.

05. Do not use the dishwasher to was dishes. Instead run a sink full of hot soapy water to wash dishes. The hot water helps keep your hands warm while doing something to alleviate the pain in your finger joints.

06. Fix hot soup. If you do not have canned soup in the house then you can create your own recipe by opening cans of veggies. You can also make soup with the leftovers you have in the refrigerator or freezer.

07. Get up from the computer ever few minutes to walk around so that you can get your blood flowing. This will help keep your body warm.

08. When you get up take your flashlight or cellphone with you in case the electricity goes off> You do not want to fall over anything.

09. Make sure your pen and paper journal is close at hand so that you can write by candle light or flashlight if the electricity goes off.

10. Give thanks for the cold rain because if it were not for this rain then you could not appreciate the warm spring days that are on their way to Las Vegas.

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