Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday Thoughts: A Nice Las Vegas Afternoon

The temperature at 12:56 pm Pacific Standard Time was 67 degrees with scattered clouds. It is a nice day in Las Vegas with the sun casting dark shadows across Sunrise Avenue and the neighbor's music echoing through the neighborhood. This morning I heard birds singing in the pine tree across the street, but the laud offensive music has caused them to stop. I don't mind the music this afternoon in fact I normally don't mind the music because I have other things to think about and do. Getting upset at a neighbor's music is not worth the stress it would cause so I just let the music flow in one ear and out the other (sorry about the cliché).

He turned his music off to talk on the phone so now the birds are singing again or maybe the music just drowns them out when it is playing. The birds sound so sweet, so pleasant. When the birds are singing it sounds like they are giving thanks for the beautiful springlike weather. When I walked through the courtyard yesterday I noticed that the oak tree had buds on its limbs and birds singing in its topmost branches. The way the birds are acting they will soon have clutches of eggs waiting to hatch. It is almost spring in Las Vegas.

I have not turned the cool air on all week. It is so nice today that I may switch from the hot air to the cold air in preparation for late spring and summer. I expect the temperatures to get into the high seventies or low eighties sometime in late March or early April. I should say I am praying for the temperatures to remain in the high sixties and mid seventies until the end of March or the beginning of April. I can have the door open when the temperatures range from the mid sixties to the mid seventies. I enjoy having the door open so I can see what is going on and hear the birds singing.

Song birds are singing
while pigeons are cooing all
praising the weather.

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