Sunday, February 02, 2014

Writing When I am Cold

I'm cold today, which makes it difficult to write. I'm wearing two layers of sweaters and my shoulders are still cold. My hands aren't cold because I'm typing this entry, but sometimes at night I can't type because my hands are cold. When my hands get gold my joints ache, which makes it difficult to type or do anything.

I'm tired of being cold; however, if I don't keep the thermostat turned low the heat comes on and the power bill goes up. I can't afford the power bill in this house anymore and that's one reason I'll be glad to move. An apartment, especially a studio apartment will be easier  to keep warm and the power bill should be lower then it is in this house.

I know I still have a summer power bill to deal with, but I'll face that when the time comes. By then I ought to be able to get some help with the power bill. I know there is a program that helps senior citizens with their power bills. Now if I could just find a place  to help me with some of the other bills, it would be nice.

I'm moving to the apartment, so this may be the last post I make for a couple of days. I'll post again as soon as I get my internet connection setup and my computer plugged in. In the mean time, have a happy week.

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