Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Getting Old Isn't for Wimps

I'm 67 years old, so I can state with some authority the "Getting old is not for wimps!" I even wrote a poem about it a couple of years ago when I was only 65 years old. Today, I got another reminder of this statement while I cleaned off one of the computer desk I'm taking with me  to my new studio apartment.

I had planned to take all three desk with me, until I saw the apartment and realized that I might (if I'm lucky) be able to fit two desk, the television with its stand, and a love seat in without too much difficulty. I'm taking both computers and the printer with me, so I need only two desks. I suppose I could take all three and put the television on one, but I don't think the desk would fit the place where I want to put  the television (I'll be fortunate to fit the television and stand in that location.

I still have to finish cleaning the desk off, but I thought I would make this entry while I was  thinking about it. I'm also taking a short rest because of all the walking and standing I had to do while cleaning off the desk. I did, however, get most of the desk cleaned off and I will finish the rest of it before I take another short rest and do more work online.

This experience of downsizing and moving is going to go into a short story of at least, 2,000 words. I'm not going to let this horror remain unwritten. All though, by the time I start writing it (when I get to the new apartment) I may find it funny and write a comedy piece about it.

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