Thursday, February 13, 2014

Is it Too Much to Ask

Is it  too much to ask for a website to make it simple to change an address. I'm waiting on hold because my insurance provider's website doesn't make changing my address simple. It will let me do everything else except  change my address. As a results I'm sitting her waiting for a customer service agent to respond,s to that I can change my mailing address, you'd  think  that the company would want to know my new address so that  they can send me monthly updates and other important medical stuff.

I managed to change my address online at the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles online, but I can't change it online at my insurance providers website. The provider's website will allow me to edit other information, but not the address. My life would be so much less stressful if I could change the address online, you'd that a health insurance company would want to make the life of it's customers less stressful.

I'm just glad that my telephone is now by my computer so that I can work online while I'm waiting on hold. Sitting in this chair for twelve to thirty minutes while waiting for a customer service agent doesn't help the pain in my back; of course, the back pain is my own fault for lifting heavy boxes onto and off of the couch. I finally go through to customer service and changed my address. Since that's accomplished I'm going  to close this rant and see if I can figure out a way to use this experience in a short story or poem.

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