Saturday, October 11, 2008

Writing on a cold Autumn Day

It finally feels like autumn. The temperatures are down, not to freezing but they are cold. Today there is a wind chill factor so it feels even colder. This morning the sky was partly cloudy and this afternoon there is a cloud cover.

This is the type of day you want to stay in the house, not that I'm going anywhere any way. I have a new battery and the car still won't start. The gas gage shows there is gas in the tank, but it's not getting a spark. Since I don't have enough money to have it towed to the mechanic it's just going to stay in my driveway. Maybe I'll go out tonight and put a blank over the hood just to keep the car warm.

I used to know a guy that did that. In winter, he would put a blanket over the hood so that it wouldn't freeze. I don't know if it worked or not, but it sounds like something to put in a story. Maybe Halloween story about a haunted car or has the haunted car theme been over used.

I may as well use my car for something because it's not going any place until I can get it running again. I car that doesn't run can't be completely useless, it must be good for something. I'll use the car to generate some ideas to write about.

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