Friday, June 27, 2008

A Writer's Discipline

Istiqlál (Independence), 4 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Friday, June 27, 2008 about 5:06 PM PDT

I encountered an interesting quote today while I cleaned out the folders in my e-mail box. Rachel Carson says: "The discipline of the writer is to learn to be still and listen to what his subject has to tell him." Many times, we do not consider stillness as necessary to writing. Stillness in this sense is sitting quietly and meditating on the subject of the story. At least, that is how I see it.

Until I read that quote, I never thought of meditating on the subject of a story. I meditate all the time, but I meditate on the sacred scriptures. However, meditating on the subject of a story or a poem helps overcome writers' block. It helps when you are stuck in the middle of a chapter without an idea about where to go next.

It takes discipline to sit and meditate on anything. One has to focus on the subject at hand whether it is a story or a verse from a holy book. Simply to sit quietly and listen to the subject is difficult. It takes discipline and practice. It is not something that you can do immediately and get it perfect the first time. However, if you are persistent and find a quiet place without distractions you can do it.

A writer can sit in front of his or her computer and listen to the subject. A writer can listen to the subject in a garden with a laptop or a pen and paper journal near by. Listen to the subject and then write what the subject tells you. Alternatively, I suppose you could sit in front of a computer and free write while you are listening to the subject.

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