Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5000 Questions Survey - Questions 326 to 350

‘Idál (Justice), 17 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, May 14, 2008 about 6:55 PM PDT

I have not answered any of the questions on the 5000 Questions Survey in a while so today I am going to answer the next twenty-five. Eventually I am going to complete all 5000 Questions because I am curious about the questions and somewhat stubborn. The reason I do twenty-five questions at a time is because twenty-five questions is all I can answer at once.

326. Are you able to have conversations with and become friends with people who are not like you and are interested in different things than you are?

Yes, I like meeting people that make think.

327. Are strangers more beautiful or frightening to you?

It depends on the stranger and the circumstances.

328. What stops you from doing everything you want to do?

Time, money and space to store the results.

329. Can you think of three adjective that do not apply to you at all?

Stupid, silent and unfunny

330. How do you feel about Jeremy Jaynes, who got a nine year prison sentence for spamming people with junk email Jeremy Jaynes?

Only nine years?

331. Do you know who the current premier of China is?

Not at the moment.
If I have not read it on an internet headline then I do not remember it.

332. Are you very active?

I am an active writer and poet.

333. Is there a city that reminds you of the landscape of your brain?

Las Vegas

334. Have you ever loved someone who has loved you back?

Anything is possible

335. Is it really being 'in love with' someone if the other person doesn't love you?

It depends on whether it is "in love" or "in lust"

336. Do you believe that there is someone perfect for everyone or that people just fall in love with who ever they are with at the time?

Perfection takes time and hard work

337. Do you know secret things?

If one person know something then it is a secret.
If two people know the samething it is a headline.

338. Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?

I am not sure I have ever fallen in love

339. How do you overcome your fears?

Do whatever I am afraid of dong

340. What can you do better than anyone you know?


341. Would you benefit from a wilder existence?

It depends on whether I am in the middle of the forest and there is an indoor restroom

342. Does it seem to you like the range of socially acceptable behavior is getting smaller or larger?

Acceptable behavior depends on a person's point of view

343. Have you ever fired a gun?

I do not remember ever firing a gun

344. Are people becoming more afraid of each other?

People have always been afraid of each other, they are just less afraid to show it

345. If you had to choose the percentage of freedom vs. safety what ratio would you decide on (ex: 100% free 0% safe)?

There is not such thing as 100% of either freedom or safety.
Both require responsibility.

346. Does safety stifle you?

Nothing stifles me

347. Who or what needs to be stopped?


348. Are human beings becoming more domesticated?

I doubt it

349. Do you follow the lives of the British Royal Family?

No, I have a better imagination then that

350. How did the death of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II affect you?

I cried


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