Thursday, August 30, 2007

Writers' Block

12 Asma 164 B.E. - October 30, 2007 about 7:50 PM PDT

I think I'm coming down with writers' block. There are four poetry readings coming up in September that I'm wanting to attend. The second is on Friday, it's an open mic First Friday reading. I've got a lot of new poems, but I want to write one specially for each reading. I haven't attended First Friday before, but that is on one of my list to do either in the next 1001 days or in my 6th decade.

My inner critic is attempting to talk me out of attending any of the readings. The excuse is that Mom's been sick and part of the problem seems to be returning. I don't think that's a good excuse at this point. Maybe after Monday when I take her for her blood test and take the other stuff the doctor wants tested. I know Monday is a holiday and in most cities you can't get blood test done because the places that do them are closed. However, this is Las Vegas and the one of Quest Diagnostic locations is open 24/7. I like that, we can go as early in the morning as we want and get in. It's nice to live in a city where you have options.

Back to the poetry readings. The first poetry reading is a Labor Day open mic. I have one or two Labor Day poems that I haven't read, but I want to write something new. A different approach to Labor Day than is usually taken. I've already written a Labor Day poem from a woman's point of view. It talked about giving birth rather than other Labor Day issues. I might read that, but poets can usually read two or three poems at the open mics, so I still need a new poem.

The third open mic is a remembrance of 9/11, which is being held on 9/11/2007. I have two poems about those events. Still I want to write a new one, but I want to take a different approach. I seem to want to take a different approach on everything this year not just writing poems. Well I have a while to consider the occasions and maybe something will come up this weekend, besides rains storms.

I'm not sure if it will rain here. There are clouds, but I haven't heard any thunder and considering what happened to a couple of areas in Las Vegas the last time it rained, maybe not having any rain isn't a bad idea. Still the clouds make it humid here and I seem to have a problem with heat rash this year. Maybe I'll write a poem about heat rash. I don't think I've covered that subject, although I did cover ring worm in a poem.
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