Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Midweek Reflections From Las Vegas on Brown Outs

It's not  even summer yet and we're experiencing triple digit temperatures in Las Vegas. We also experienced our first brown out today. It's always a shock when the electricity goes off for no apparent reason.  It didn't stay off very long, but it was long enough to cause my modem and other internet equipment to manually reboot. It cause my computer to shut off which is always upsetting. Fortunately, I  wasn't in the middle of writing a story  or poem. 

This incident reminds me that I need to save my work every five or six minutes. Each time I want to take a sip of coffee or water, I will save my work. That way if the electricity does goes off suddenly I won't lose a too many words. I hate it when the electricity goes off when I written over fifty words without saving them. When the power goes out it interrupts my train of thought which is a problem if the electricity stays off too long. 

I planned another entry for today's post, but the electricity went off. After it came back on I decided to write about the brown out. I suspect this is something I'm going to have to put up with all summer long. It's bad enough that the triple digit temperatures cause the  power bill to go over the moon, but the power outs cause the air conditioner and refrigerator to stop working. I don't deal well with triple digit temperatures when I don't have cool air and ice water. 

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