Sunday, September 06, 2015

Sunday Rant

I'm looking forward to the week,
a busy Labor Day planned
a trip to the pharmacy at 9:00 am
and then back home
to finish
cleaning the refrigerator.

I have to face the fact that if it weren't for writing my life would be a bit boring. I think I need to take myself out to eat, perhaps on Tuesday after my doctor's appointment. The only problem I see is finding something I can eat. I have enough trouble staying on my diet at home without going to a fast food place or even a sit down restaurant. The issue with restaurant food is that it doesn't give the potassium count. I have to watch my potassium intake, which is difficult.

Another problem with a low potassium diet is the food labels. The potassium count is listed on some of the labels but not on others. This means I have to do an internet search for the potassium count in the food I eat. The canned food isn't difficult because the cans give the serving size even if they don't give the potassium count. If I can find the potassium count on line then I can figure out how much of the canned food I can eat safely.

What has the potassium count have to do with cleaning out the refrigerator? Probably not a lot or it may have everything to do with it. I have to see what I have in the refrigerator so that I know what product I search for. I have a blood test on Tuesday so my kidney doctor can check my potassium count. I'm worried about what it could be; however, at this point the only thing I can do is watch my potassium intake closer and pray.

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