Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday's Word: Morning

The scent of coffee
Permeates morning's silence
Rousing both my mind and muse

It's about 6:27 am here in Las Vegas. I'm attempting to wake up so that I can get ready for my day. I have to go to the store later this morning for some necessary items. I don't want to leave the house until I'm fully awake and the store is open. The drug store I'm going to doesn't open until 9:00 am so I have a couple of hours to fill until then. At least I think it opens at 9:00, if I get there and it's not open then I'll just go to one of the twenty-four hour supermarkets on Maryland Parkway.

This morning the only thing I feel like doing is drinking coffee and writing. I don't want to do housework and I don't want to take the trash to the alley this early. I'll roll the trash to the alley when I leave the house to go to the drug store. After yesterday's bout of housework, I have a 13 gallon trash bag full of trash to take out. I'm not going to lug a 13 gallon plastic bag to the alley because it's too cumbersome to carry and use my cane at the same time.

I'm using my cane a lot more lately, especially of a morning when I take the trash to the alley. The cane helps me stand up straight while giving me something to help balance. The problem is carrying small plastic grocery bags to the alley while attempting to stand up straight and balance. I don't appear to have a problem with balance any other time. I also use the cane to help me up and down steps or curbs.

With my wooden cane
I stand up straight when I walk
My back feels better

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