Friday, August 29, 2014

Funny Friday: The Reason I Log Into Facebook on Friday

I have a tendency toward depression. Sometimes I wake up in a negative mood and sometimes I wake up in a positive mood. When I am in a negative mood, I press the snooze button on my cellphone alarm  five or six times. When I am in a positive mood I either get up when the alarm goes off or press the button only once. If I press the snooze button more then once it throws off my medication schedule, which throws off my schedule for the rest of the day putting me behind in everything I plan.

For the past month or so I have found Friday a depressing day. I do not know why, but my blue mood, my brown study, has been worse on Friday morning then any other day of the week. The first thing I do on Friday morning is log onto Facebook because I am guaranteed to find several funny items which will cause me to laugh for five or six minutes each. Some of the items I laugh about every time I remember them. I laugh and my negative mood changes to a positive mood. If I started to get depressed then I log onto Facebook again and look for something funny to change my mood.

When I am in a depressed and negative mood I cannot write because I have difficulty focusing on what I am writing. When I am in a negative mood I cannot give quality reviews because I find it difficult to focus on what I am reading. Laughing at the funny posts I find on Facebook changes my negative mood into a positive mood because the laughter release endorphins in my brain. I have more writing to do this morning, so heres to a laughter filled funny Friday.

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